- Septal panniculitis 间隔性脂膜炎
- Why is an atrial septal defect a concern? 房间隔缺损有什么危害?
- How is an atrial septal defect diagnosed? 如何诊断房间隔缺损?
- Nectaries septal, perigonal, or absent. 蜜腺有隔,生花被上,或者无。
- The diagnosis was made as eosinophilic panniculitis. 诊断为嗜酸细胞性脂膜炎。
- A case of panniculitis in juvenile dermatomyositis is reported. 报告1例以脂膜炎为皮肤表现的皮肌炎。
- A 33-year-old male with eosinophilic panniculitis is reported. 报告1例嗜酸细胞性脂膜炎。患者男,33岁。
- The ventricular septal defect is closed with a patch. 用一个补片把室间隔缺损补上。
- Diagnosis: Sarcoidosis with interlobular septal thickening. 诊断:结节病并小叶间隔增厚。
- Fractures of the nose may be associated with septal tractures and hematomas. 鼻骨骨折可伴有中隔骨折和血肿。
- Fractures of the nose may be associated with septal fractures and hematomas. 鼻骨骨折可伴有中隔骨折和血肿。
- We present a case of nasal septal cyst which may be a rare complication of SMR. 本科经历一鼻中隔囊肿的病例,推测可能是鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后的罕见并发症。
- A case of type I neurofibromatosis with atrial septal defect is reported. 报告1例神经纤维瘤病I型并发房间隔缺损。
- Stylodes 2, reduced to septal, hollow nectaries at apex of ovary, or absent. 退化花柱2,变为隔膜,在子房的顶端有空的蜜腺,或者无。
- Erythema nodosum (EN) (red nodules) is an inflammation of the fat cells under the skin (panniculitis). 什么是'结节性红斑-红色炎性结节皮肤'?
- Abstract: Eosinophilic panniculitis is a poorly defined entity with variable clinical features. [摘 要] 嗜酸性脂膜炎是一种较难确诊的具有多种临床表现的疾病。
- Histopathology showed a lobular panniculitis with lymphocyte and plasmocyte infiltration. 组织病理学检查示小叶性脂膜炎伴淋巴细胞、浆细胞浸润。
- Panniculitis is a group of diseases whose hallmark is inflammation of subcutaneous fatty and muscle tissue. 什麽是'身体脂膜炎-炎症皮下脂肪组织的创伤'?
- Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and treatment of nodular panniculitis disease in children. 目的探讨结节性脂膜炎的临床特点及治疗措施。