- That the Sermon on the Mount contains the sum and substance of Christianity. 耶稣登山训众论福所讲的一切包含了基督教的精义。
- The Sermon on the Mount is the last word in Christian ethics. “登山宝训”是基督教义中的精义。
- The priest preached to the congregation about the Sermon on the Mount. 那位祭司就山中圣训向会众说教。
- Any of the declarations of blessedness made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. 八福词基督登山训众时宣布的任何祝福
- "We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount" (Omar N. Bradley). “我们已经把握了原子的神秘本质,并拒绝‘登山宝训’” (奥马尔·N·布拉德利)
- One of the eight sayings of Jesus at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount; in Latin each saying begins with'beatus'(blessed). 耶稣的《山上宝训》开始的八条格言中的一条;在拉丁文中每句以“beatus”(保佑)开始。
- I have known good persons, living in the world, who believed that they literally obeyed the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount. 我认得生活在这个世界的一些绅士淑女,他们相信自己是照字面遵守山上宝训的。
- This beatitude not only sets the tone for Jesus’ “sermon on the mount”, but it’s also the bedrock of Jesus’ ministry. 八福的演说不仅揭开耶稣登山宝训的序幕,也是耶稣事工的基础。
- If He had appeared with kingly pomp, how could He have taught humility? how could He have presented such cutting truths as in the Sermon on the Mount? 他若以君王的威荣出现,怎能给人谦卑的教训呢?又怎能讲出像山边宝训那样深刻的真理呢?耶稣若以帝王之尊荣住在人间,一般卑微的人还有什么希望呢?
- Some of his most famous teachings are to be found in the Sermon on the Mount, which also contains the beatitudes and the Golden Rule. 一些最著名的教导也可以在登山宝训里找到,也包含在祝福和一些金科玉律里头。
- The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity. 牧师在布道会上宣讲慈爱的必要。
- If we examine the conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount, we discover that the false prophet preached, and prayed, and performed great signs and wonders in the name of Christ. 如果我们察验"登山宝训"的结论,我们会发现假先知教导、祷告和行伟大的神迹奇事都奉基督之名。
- The vicar gave a sermon on the evils of gambling. 教区牧师作了一次布道,宣讲赌博的危害。
- On the one hand we have to keep steadily in view the absolute good, which is displayed for us in the Sermon on the Mount, while, on the other hand, we must recognize the need for suiting our actions to the conditions prevailing at the time. 一方面,我们需要坚定地注视绝对的善,那就是在山上宝训明白地告诉我们的,而在另一方面,让我们的行为能适合现时的情况,也是我们必得认识清楚的。
- and he chose part of the Sermon on the Mount, 他选择的是基督《登山宝训》的一部分,
- a command based on Jesus'words in the Sermon on the Mount 以基督在山上宝训中的话为基础的训诫
- On the other, they were moving toward the mount. 在另一边,他们往那座“山”而去。
- On the other,they were moving toward the mount. 在另一边,他们往那座“山”而去。
- The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep. 牧师讲道时用了亡羊的比喻。