- Setose Cephalanop 大蓟
- Stems 4-sided, densely patently setose. 茎4棱,密被清晰具刚毛。
- Petioles and young shoots stoutly setose. 略胖的叶柄和幼枝具刚毛。
- Culm sheaths densely setose; ligule truncate or acute. 竿箨密被刚毛;叶舌削去或锐尖。
- Stems obtusely 4-sided, appressed densely setose, glabrescent. 茎钝的4棱,贴伏的密被刚毛,后脱落。
- Calyx lobes ovate, ca. 1.5 mm, setose and setose ciliate. 卵形的萼裂片,约1.;5毫米,具刚毛和具刚毛缘毛。
- Fruit a capsule, 3-locular, enclosed by accrescent calyx, often setose. 果蒴果,3室,被增大的花萼围住,通常具刚毛。
- Corolla white, sometimes tinged pink, rotate; adaxial leaf surface setose. 花冠白色,有时微染粉红色,辐状;叶正面具刚毛。
- Pedicel 5-12 mm to subsessile, furfuraceous puberulous and sparsely setose. 花梗5-12毫米到近无柄,软鳞片状被微柔毛和稀疏刚毛的。
- Stem and branches glabrous. Petiole glabrous or sparsely and minutely setose. 茎和分枝无毛。叶柄无毛的或疏生和微小的具刚毛。
- Hypanthium subcampanulate, ca. 5 mm, nearly 4-sided, densely appressed setose. 近钟状的托杯,大约5毫米,差不多4棱,浓密贴伏具刚毛。
- Scotland's national flower is the setose thistle flower, one kind ofleaf belt punctures purple flower. 苏格兰的国花是蓟花,一种叶子带刺的紫色花。最早在十五世纪被用来当作防御的象征。
- Calyx lobes semiorbicular, ca. 2 mm, outside sparsely setose or puberulous, inside puberulous, apex retuse. 半圆形的萼裂片,长约2毫米,外面疏生刚毛或微柔毛,在被微柔毛,先端微凹里面。
- Hypanthium funnel-shaped, ca. 5 mm, 4-sided, furfuraceous puberulous, sparsely setose. 托杯漏斗状,大约5毫米,4棱,软鳞片状被微柔毛,稀疏刚毛。
- Ovary ovoid-globose, 5-celled, apically densely strigose, apex with a setose ring. 子房卵球形,5-室,顶部密被具糙伏毛,先端具刚毛的环。
- Culm sheaths densely setose; ligule truncate or acute; blade narrowly linear-lanceolate. 竿箨密被刚毛;叶舌削去或锐尖;叶片披针形狭线形。
- Culm sheaths brown spotted, densely setose at base; ligule arcuate; blade triangular-lanceolate. 棕色竿箨认出,密被刚毛在基部;叶舌弧曲;叶片三角状披针形。
- Stems densely patent setose. Leaves 2-pinnately compound; petiole densely patent setose. 浓密的茎开展具刚毛。叶2回羽状复叶;浓密的叶柄开展具刚毛。
- Follicles fusiform or lanceolate, usually smooth, rarely narrowly winged or setose. 蓇葖果纺锤形或披针形,通常平滑,具刚毛的狭翅或的很少。
- Rachis, hypanthium, and calyx lobes hirtellous, twigs pubescent and glandular setose. 托杯,和具微糙硬毛的萼裂片,青春期和腺具刚毛的枝。