- The hammer belongs (in the shed) with the rest of the tools. 这把锤子通常和(工具房的)其他工具放在一起。
- He filled in the rest of the day watching television. 他看电视来打发当天剩下的时间。
- John took part in the games, but the rest of us just looked on. 约翰参加了比赛,而我们只在一边旁观。
- The chairman want home, but the rest of the director stayed in the boardroom. 董事长回家了,而其余的董事留在董事会会议室里。
- In the rest of the night,we feel sleepy. 到了下半夜,我们都觉得疲倦。
- In the course of the rest, he picked up our talk. 在休息期间,他继续和我们交谈。
- I'll spend the rest of my life in the shu. 我一辈子都出不去了。
- A rest in the shade will cool you down. 在阴凉处休息会使你凉爽。
- Today is the first day in the rest of your life. 今天是你剩余生命中的第一天。
- Follow the rest of the steps in the task pane. 完成该任务窗格中的余下步骤。
- He lived the rest of his life in the States. 他的余生是在美国度过的。
- The lights shade in beautifully. 灯光变得十分柔和。
- In the rest of the night, we feel sleepy. 到了下半夜,我们都觉得疲倦。
- Let's rest a while in the shade, shall we? 咱们到阴凉处休息一会儿,好吗?
- He suggested we leave the rest of this work for another day, for he was in the mood to eat, drink, and be merry. 他建议我们把余下的工作留到日后做,因为他当时一心只想着吃喝玩乐。
- If he had survived the head injuries he got in the crash, he would have been a vegetable for the rest of his life. 他在一次撞车事故中头部受伤,要是还能存活下来,他们的余生一定是个植物人。
- If you shade in one side of your drawing, the shape will look solid. 如果你在画的一边描出阴影,整个形状就看起来有立体感。
- Shading in the color matching of the lamp. 灯体颜色在整体配套上与要求的有色差。
- There is not enough light and shade in your drawing. 你这幅画的明暗色调不够。
- A human hair consists mainly of a protein called Keratin. It also contains some moisture and the trace metals and minerals found in the rest of the body. 人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋白质组成,并含有水分及在身体其他部分也可找到的微量金属和矿物质。