- I'll include Shakespearean tragedy in my summer program. 我的暑期班学习项目中将包括莎士比亚悲剧。
- Particularly, the sublimity of Shakespearean tragedies had injected an exciting vitality and a revolting spirit into modern Chinese drama. 其中,莎士比亚悲剧的崇高感给中国现代悲剧注入了震撼人心的生命力与充满反叛抗争的人性精神。
- Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy. 我们的喜剧是对莎士比亚一出悲剧的讽刺性模仿。
- Aesthetic Modernity of Shakespearean Tragedies 莎士比亚悲剧的审美现代性
- On the Tragic Characters and Imagery in Four Shakespearean Tragedies 论莎士比亚四大悲剧的人物与意象
- Keywords Shakespearean tragedies;the theme of“death”;Humanist Criticism;Eros;the death instinct;the character-centered criticism; 莎士比亚悲剧;“死亡”主题;人文主义批评;爱欲;死亡本能;以人物为中心的批评模式;
- Before further interpreting and justifying the substance of Shakespearean tragedies, I make a brief review of the major visions on death in Chinese and Western thoughts; 论述了五部悲剧中种种情形复杂的“爱”是如何惊人地与潜伏在悲剧人物下意识中的“死亡本能”联系在一起的,有哈姆雷特因“俄狄浦斯情结”而对奥菲里亚所产生的扭曲却强烈的爱;
- He prefers comedies to tragedies. 他比较喜欢喜剧而不太喜欢悲剧。
- Shakespearean tragedies 莎士比亚悲剧
- Yet the film takes an acrid twist and truns out to be more like a Shakespearian tragedy than a beach-babe party. 当黄悉破陈的身份后,深感受骗;黄酒醉后遇上色狼,逃走时不幸被车撞倒。
- The professor used some Shakespearean tags in his speech. 教授在演讲中引用了几句莎士比亚的语录。
- But It is first a Shakespearian tragedy of man fighting against over whaling odds in an indifferent and even hostile universe. 这简直是一部百科全书--历史、哲学、宗教和事无巨细的捕鲸史。
- On the Irrational Consciousness of Shakespearean Tragedy 论莎士比亚悲剧的非理性意识
- He directed five Shakespearean plays. 他导演了五部莎士比亚戏剧。
- Casinos, like Shakespearean plays, can be fun. 赌场就象莎翁的戏剧一样,可以娱人。
- Today 's event bespeaks future tragedies. 今日之事件乃预示他日之不幸。
- The BBC plans to televise all Shakespear's plays. 英国广播公司计划播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。
- Why does God allow all the tragedies in life? 为甚么神会容许生命中的悲剧?
- Shakespear's remains were guarded by a malediction. 莎士比亚的遗骨被咒语保护着。
- We are deeply grieved at the tragedies! 接二连三的悲剧,我们感到十分悲痛。