- Shallow seismic investigation 浅层地震勘探
- Shallow Seismic Refraction Survey is one kind of celerity,effective and economic means in engineering exploration. 浅层折射波法是工程勘探中常用的一种经济并且快速有效的方法。
- WANG Zhen-dong. 1988. Applied Technique of Shallow Seismic Exploration [M]. Geological Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 王振东.;1988
- Steeples, D. W., Miller, R. D., 1998, Avoiding pitfalls in shallow seismic reflection surveys, Geophysics, v.63, 66-75. 何春荪,1982,台湾地体构造的演变-台湾地体构造图说明书,经济部。
- The SNR and resolution of seismic data can be effectively improved through high resolution processing of seismic data in shallow seismic prospecting. 浅层地震探测中,通过高分辨率数据处理,能有效地提高资料的信噪比和分辨率。
- The shallow seismic refraction method is one of the main methods of exploration for engineering, hydrogeological and environmental geology. 摘要浅层地震折射波法是在工程地质、水文地质及环境地质勘查中广泛应用的地震探测方法之一。
- Sun, R., Sung, Q.C. and Liu, T.K., 1997, Near-surface evidence of recent Taiwan Orogeny detected by shallow seismic method, 1997 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A. 孙镇球,1997,由浅层震测看宅港地区的第四纪外伸堆建沈积,中国地质学会八十六年年会,台湾。
- According to explanation of the high resolution shallow seismic profile, we completed acoustic stratigraphical division of the continental shelf in the South Yellow Sea. 摘要通过对高分辨率浅地层剖面的分析解译,对南黄海西部陆架区进行了声学地层划分。
- The seismic imaging method is a new technique of shallow seismic exploration, which appears in the field of engineering and environment geoexploration recently. 摘要地震映象法是近期工程物探在工程地质与环境地质勘察中新出现的1种浅层地震探测方法。
- If the background noise is not too high, the firecracker will be a useful source for shallow seismic surveys including both the reflection and the refraction methods. 爆竹震源是一极佳的震源,不管反射或折射震测,都可加以应用。
- Rayleigh wave detection as a shallow seismic detection method, characterized by advantenges of being simple and convenient, has been applied in many fields. 摘要瑞利波可对煤矿井下进行全方位探测,具有简便、快速、应用范围广的优点。
- The seismic imaging method is a new technique of shallow seismic exploration,which appears in the field of engineering and environment geoexploration recently. 地震映象法是近期工程物探在工程地质与环境地质勘察中新出现的1种浅层地震探测方法。
- The area is largely covered by loess,bedrock outcropped locally,and surface is mainly farmland,woods and constructions,made the shallow seismic geological condition complicated. 对该区原始资料运用了静校正、干扰波去除、反褶积测试、精细速度分析、偏移成像、修饰性处理等处理技术,较好地解决了地表高差问题、增强了有效信号,剖面的信噪比明显提高。
- terrigenous seismic investigation 陆域地震勘察
- In general, this area shows steady moderately active shallow seismicity. 一般而言,本地区的地震活动并不是十分活跃的。
- high-resolution seismic investigation 高分辨奉地震勘察
- Analyze the feasibility of shallow seismic reflection wave method applied in exploration of high-dip coal mining-out area, and appraise the effect of the application in couple with specific engineering cases. 摘要对在高倾角煤层采空区勘探中应用浅层地震反射波法的可行性进行了分析,并结合具体工程实例对应用效果进行了评价。
- This paper introduces systematically the mixed wave technique in personal computer data processing system of ultra shallow seismic exploration from the principle, flowchart to the realization. 本文就超浅层地震勘探数据处理微机软件系统中的混波技术从原理、流程到实现过程等作了系统的介绍。
- The shallow crust structure characteristics of Manas anticline in Manas earthquake area are studied using high precision shallow seismic prospecting method and advanced data processing technique. 摘要采用高精度的浅层地震勘探方法和先进的数据处理技术,查明瞭玛纳斯地震区玛纳斯背斜的浅部地壳结构特徵。
- It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。