- The polluted river used to be a great plague to the Shanghai residents. 那条受污染的河流过去曾让上海居民苦不堪言。
- Designer Gustaf!|s effort intended to bring back a reminiscence of that past as well as open up a dreamland for Shanghai residents to admire. 耿治国将本案与19世纪在伦敦为首届世界工业设计博览会所建造的水晶宫作设计联想。
- As a result of overexploitation of a substantial increase in vacant rooms, 1997 and Shanghai residents has dropped substantially. 过度开发的结果是空置房大量增加,1997年前后,上海房价大幅下跌。
- Later, when community that Shanghai will limit faster transfer, Shanghai residents will be pushed to the tuyere Langjian. 后来,当坊间传出上海将限制期房转让后,上海房价便被推到了风口浪尖。
- In recent years, as the per capita income of Shanghai residents have increased year after year, the consumption structure has undergone fundamental changes. 近年来,随着上海市民人均收入的逐年增加,消费结构发生了根本性的变化。
- Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Research Center of the property into a governing assertion made : these adjustments, the whole Shanghai residents will be adjusted indicators. 上海市社科院房地产研究中心理事顾建发断言:这些调整,是整个上海房价将调整的前兆。
- The average per capita income of Shanghai residents in Q1 reached RMB8412.89, nearly twice the average of Chinese urban residents, which stood at RMB4674.84. 今年一季度,全国各地区城镇居民平均收入为4674.;84元,而上海居民平均收入达到8412
- It seems usual for Shanghai residents to show up with pajamas in pulic places from lanes, stores, super markets to Nanjing Rd, the most famous shopping street. 上海人素有穿睡衣上街的习惯,弄堂里,菜场上,超市里,马路上,甚至在著名商业街南京路上,穿睡衣的人屡见不鲜。
- Shanghai resident or can speak Shanghai local language fluently. 上海户籍或上海话流利。
- With quality design and professional management, plus well-planned recreational and commercial facilities, Rui Hong Xin Cheng sets a new standard of modern living for Shanghai residents. 瑞虹新城优质的设计、专业的管理服务和完备的康乐及配套设施,已成为上海市现代化生活的新典范。
- Sophisticated cultural characteristics is pragmatic, flexible, and not that it affected the entire "Delta" region and even the South, and Shanghai residents is mainly to locals and southerners. 基于这种认识,从全国的房地产业形势来看,与上次股市的争论完全相反,厉以宁的判断是对的,吴敬琏的判断是不对的;
- Seeking suitable candidate with western kitchen experience and responsible, learning attitude. Shanghai residency is a must. 持本市户口.;有相关西厨房工作经验
- English-- Grade 6; Working Experience-- minimum 2 years working experiece in multi-national manufacturing company; Shanghai resident. 大学本科,英语6级,外资企业总帐会计工作经验2年,上海户口。
- Traditional Shanghai residences and the modern Lujiazui Financial Trade Zone in Pudong are enjoying peaceful neighbourhood. 传统的上海老城厢与现代的浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区和平相处。
- The car park is strictly for the use of residents. 那个停车场仅供当地居民使用。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- To qualify for permanent residency, applicants must be professionals who hold a Shanghai residency card and have lived and paid taxes in the city for at least seven years. 申请人必须是持有上海居住证且在上海生活和纳税至少七年的专业人士才有资格取得在上海的永久居住权。
- He may belong to senile residents who stray from home. 他可能是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人。
- The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents. 这家旅馆为旅客提供订票服务。
- The army was now on the march to Shanghai. 部队当时正向上海进军。