- Shaping parametric region 成形参数域
- A parametric region of stability for parabolic systems with time delay is given. 并给出了一类时滞抛物系统稳定的参数区域。
- By pre-dividing parametric region of the surface and introducing the concept "maximum absolute normal curvature" at a point on the surface, the method adopts "divide and conquer" approach triangulating the parametric region of the surface piecewise. 该算法通过对曲面的参数域进行预剖分,以及引入曲面上一点处的“最大绝对法曲率”的概念,采用“分而治之”的方法分片对参数曲面的参数域进行三角形网格剖分。
- Finally, the effect of the geometrical parameters and the crack shape parameters on the stress intensity factors was studied from the parametric study of 22 KK-joint models. 最后,通过对22个KK节点的模型分析,研究了节点的几何参数和裂纹形状参数对应力强度因子的影响情况。
- A way to interactive graphics on shaping parametric solid 参数化实体造型中交互图形的一种解决方法
- This paper presents a method for roll shape parameters design of roll in tow roll straightener. 从研究矫直原理入手,借鉴国内外先进的技术经验,设计了二辊矫直机。
- For periodic and quasiperiodic chain, there is more than one phase transition point at some parameter region because of the competition between the spin cluster and anisotropy. 对于周期和准周期链,由于各自旋集团和各向异性之间的竞争,模型在某些参数范围可能出现两个以上的相变点。
- General rules on solving PDEs with high accuracy and choosing proper shape parameters of RBFs are investigated. 径向基点配置法本身属于纯无单元方法,它最大的特点就是实施程序简单。
- According to some laws of peak shape changing, peak shape parameters were educed. 再根据离子色谱峰峰形变化的规律,得到色谱峰峰形的参数。
- Bayesian-point and-interval estimations of the scale and shape parameters and the achieved MTBF of the system are obtained. 获得了尺度参数、形状参数以及系统能达到的MTBF的Bayes点估计和区间估计。
- Based on this work,the optimal tooth shape parameters have been given,which wi ll make the sawing force and the stress in blade tooth lower. 在此基础上,以较小的锯切力和锯齿应力水平、合理的锯齿应力分布目标,给出合理的齿形参数。
- The results demonstrate that the tilted phase affects not only the relative shift and the transition height rather than the turning point, but also affects the truncation parameter region when the focal switch appears. 研究结果表明,相位倾斜影响了相对焦移量、相对跃变量和焦开关发生的位置,同时也影响焦开关出现时截断参数的取值范围。
- That lathe is used for shaping pieces of wood. 那个车床是用来加工木材的。
- In the practice projects, the precision of maximum likelihood estimation of Weibull shape parameter is quantitatively provided by the conclusion. 工程上,可以依据文中提供的结论定量分析威布尔分布形状参数极大似然估计量的精度。
- The regression relations between the primary solder joints shape parameters and thermal fatigue life of CCGA are derived through orthogonal experiments and regressions analysis. 通过对CCGA焊点形态参数与热疲劳寿命进行正交回归分析,得出了CCGA焊点形态主要参数与热疲劳寿命之间的关系表达式。
- Most insect do not live in polar region. 大多数的昆虫不在极地地区生存。
- The earthquake may cause a region to fall in. 地震可以使一个地区下陷。
- A method of generating piecewise cubic polynomial curves with two shape parameters is presented, based on the structure of the quadratic uniform B-Spline curves. 摘要以经典的二次B样条曲线结构构造了一种带两个形状参数的可调三次多项式曲线。
- Through adjusting shape parameters, one can design the curve interactively and by giving appropriate values to shape-preserving parameters, one can get a monotonic interpolant. 通过调整形状参数可交互式修改曲线形状,适当选取保形参数曲线是保单调的。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。