- She found herself something of a celebrity. 她意识到自己已小有名气了。
- She found herself adrift 她感到茫然若失。
- She found herself looking forward more and more eagerly to this great day. 她发现自己越来越殷切地期待着这个伟大的日子。
- She found herself in a messy spot. 她发现自己陷入了窘境。
- She used to turn to her aunt for help when she found herself in a fine pass. 过去她身陷困境时,总是请姨妈帮忙。
- She found herself in desperate financial straits. 她发觉自己经济状况极为窘迫。
- She find herself in love with him. 她发觉自己爱上了他。
- Finally she found herself at the water's edge. 最后她不知不觉走到了水边。
- She found herself out of condition that day. 她发现自己那一天身体不太好。
- She found herself something of a(= to some degree a)celebrity. 她发现自己差不多成名人了。
- Suddenly, from one day to the next, she found herself unoccupied. 突然之间,她觉得这样一天天过下去,实在无聊。
- In the morning she found herself restored to happiness. 早上她发现自己又和往常一样快活自在。
- When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital. 第二天她醒来时,她发现自己已经在医院里。
- She found herself standing right where the town gazebo is today. 她发觉自己正站在一个地方那就是现在镇上眺望台的原址。
- She found herself unable to say anything on an occasion like this. 她发现自己在这样一个场合什么也说不出来。
- Suddenly she found herself standing in a beautiful meadow. 突然,她发现自己站在一个美丽的牧场上。
- She found herself walking in the direction of the churchyard. 她发觉自己朝教堂庭院方向走去。
- To her surprise. she found herself in a different world. 使她惊奇的是他来到了另外的一个世界.
- Where did she find herself when she awaked after 7 days? 7天以后,当她醒过来发现自己在哪里?
- She found herself comparing Miles with Carlos, her absentee husband. 她发现自己正在拿迈尔斯跟她那出走的丈夫卡洛斯相对比。