- She is serene and contented; 她很安详、平静;
- She is serene and contented 她很安详、平静
- His is a very serene and contented brand of fatalism. 他的片子总是在平静祥和的烙印中吟咏着宿命。
- In the first, she is very glad and contented, and feel unwonted bit by bit. 刚开始,她很高兴也很满足,渐渐地觉得有什么不对劲儿。
- She is declared an undesirable alien and deport. 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。
- As figurehead and chief executive of this tranquil, churchly society, the king is serene and at ease -- but always a king. 担任这个宁静的教会化社会的名义上元首和政府首脑的汤加国王颇为清静自在,但他始终是一位国王。
- She is a good wife and a devoted mother. 她是一位贤妻良母。
- She is crazy about rock and roll. 她喜欢摇滚乐。
- She is proud of her son, and well she may. 她以儿子为傲也是应该的。
- This epic work is both serene and magnificent. 这部史诗作品大气沉雄。
- She is delicate and pretty in person. 她长得娇柔美丽。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- She is far and away the better actress. 她是一位非常好的演员。
- In spite of the panic, she remain serene and in control. 尽管人心惶惶,但她却泰然自若。
- She is vain and foolish, and yet people like her. 她自负而愚蠢,然而人们喜欢她。
- The sky is serene and the air refreshing 天朗气清
- Here she is: take her and be gone. 喏,你把她带走吧。
- When the mind is serene, Truth shines. 当人的内心平伏下来,真理就会自然显现。
- She is a gossip and often speaks evil of others. 她是个长舌妇,经常说别人的坏话。