- She was dusting down the furniture. 她正在掸去家俱上的灰尘。
- She dusted down the furniture 她掸去家具上的灰尘。
- He dusted down the seats of the car. 他拭去了汽车座位上的灰尘。
- He dusted down the seats of the car . 他拭去了汽车座位上的灰尘。
- The dust settled on the furniture while we were away. 我们不在家时,尘土落满了家具。
- She petitioned her neighbor to turn down the radio. 她请求邻居把收音机关小点声。
- Covered with the dust down the teacher's hands, the dust fly stained white teachers. 落下的粉尘沾满了老师的双手,纷飞的微尘染白了老师的双鬓。
- She dusted off the novel and began to read. 她掸去小说书上的灰开始阅读。
- The furniture in the room was placed askew. 屋子里的家俱摆得歪歪斜斜。
- She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request. 她按出版商的要求对小说进行删改。
- She bumped into the furniture and kept mumbling about the guests. 她撞在家具上,并且不停地咕咕哝哝地议论客人。
- Let's rearrange the furniture in the room. 我们来重新布置一下房间里的家具。
- She came tripping down the garden path. 她轻快地沿花园小径跑过来。
- She fell head first down the stairs. 她摔倒了,一头栽下楼梯。
- The curtains blend in perfectly with the furniture. 窗帘(的颜色)跟家具(的颜色)十分和谐。
- She watched the rain pouring down the windows. 她注视著顺著窗户往下流的大雨。
- I hate to dust the furniture and bookcases. 我非常讨厌擦拭家具和书架上的尘埃。
- A few spots had been oiled to keep the dust down. 有几个景点已油使粉尘下降。
- Does the furniture tone in with the curtains? 家具与窗帘的搭配协调吗?
- The dustsheets were draped over the furniture. 家具上盖着防尘布。