- She wiped her tears away. 她擦掉了眼泪。
- She wiped her tears away 她擦掉了眼泪。
- The girl wiped her tears away. 女孩擦去了眼泪。
- The girl wiped her tears away . 女孩擦去了眼泪。
- She wiped away her tears with her sleeve. 她用袖子擦干眼泪。
- She held up her arm and wiped her tears off. 她抬起手擦去了眼角的泪水。
- She wiped her face and neck with a towel . 她用毛巾擦脸和脖子。
- She wiped her face and neck with a towel. 她用毛巾擦脸和脖子。
- She wiped her sweat and worked on. 她擦了一下汗,继续工作。
- She wiped her floury hands with a damp cloth. 她用湿布擦去手上的面粉。
- She calms herself and wipes her tears. 惊定还拭泪。
- Every now and again she wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. 她不时地用手帕擦一擦眼睛。
- She tried hard to wink her tears away,but Mike could see that she had been crying. 她拼命眨眼睛要挤掉眼泪,但麦克看得出来她一直在哭。
- At this moment, Tang Gulu has stood up. She wipes away her tears and watches what is happening. 继续。这时,唐咕噜也站起来了,抹了抹眼泪,看着眼前的一切。
- Sindu softened a bit, and wiped her tears with the back of her hands. 辛杜缓和了一点,用手背擦了擦眼泪。
- She tried hard to wink her tears away, but Mike could see that she had been crying. 她拼命眨眼睛要挤掉眼泪,但麦克看得出来她一直在哭。
- And taking out her cambric handkerchief she wiped her husband's waistcoat. 她掏出细亚麻手绢,揩丈夫的西装背心。
- When her palms and fingers hurt badly enough that she couldn't feel the slime on them, she wiped her face with them, gouged at her face with her fingernails to scrape away the grease there. 当她的手掌和指头伤得很厉害不能再感觉到上面的污泥了,她再用手去擦脸,指甲刮着脸颊试图把油脂刮走。
- Photo four: Gong Jinghong wipes her tears with her hand. 图四:龚京红用手擦着眼泪。
- She wiped her eyes with her free hand,still gently cradling the golden crane with the other. 她用另一只手擦着泪水,一只手仍然轻轻地握着纸鹤不放。