- Shear knife cutting angle 剪刃倾角
- His cheek was badly scarred by a knife cut. 他的面颊上留有严重的刀疤。
- The knife cut cleanly through the meat. 刀子利落地切开肉。
- The knife cut the flesh of his arm. 小刀把他胳膊上的肉割破了。
- The sharp knife cut it at a touch. 这把刀轻轻一碰就把它削断了。
- The knife cut deep into his arm. 刀子切入他的手臂很深。
- The same knife cut bread and finger. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。
- The knife cut deep into the chef's hand. 刀深深地切入厨师的手。
- The butcher's knife cut cleanly through the meat. 屠夫的刀利落地把肉切开。
- A knife cut on any part of our body would incur sharp pain. 刀割破了我们身上的任何一个地方,我们会感到剧烈的疼痛;
- Automatic tracking the cutting speed: do not need to change the cutting angle if the glass ribbon speed changed. 切割速度自动跟踪:玻璃带速度发生变化,不需要改变切割角度。
- Assigning numerous option is, one knife cuts pattern close Ting. 分众的选择是,一刀切式的关停。
- In the paper sliding-cutting angle and cutting angle were calculated,other major cutting parameters were given. 文中计算了滑切角,切割角等主要切割参数,给出了新型剖半机的主要技术参数。
- There are two common ways in making paper-cuttings: the scissor cutting and knife cutting techniques. 中国传统宫灯的特点是采用画有国画的布屏。
- At the time Influences of cut angle in indicated power, COP and discharge temperature is studied in details, too. 同时还详细分析和研究了排气通道上斜切口角度对压缩机制冷量、输入功率、性能系数、排气温度等的影响 ,为滚动转子式压缩机的优化和性能提高奠定基础
- The expressions of dihedral angle and cutting angle of the intersecting groove are deduced by way of space analytical geometry. 利用空间解析几何原理推导了多管、板相贯坡口的两面角和实际切割角的表达式,建立了切割多管、板相贯坡口的数学模型。
- Oh, the nausea of standing by the doctor, trying not to vomit when his bright knife cut into mortifying flesh! 啊,要站在大夫身边,看着他那把雪亮的手术刀切入令人心疼的肌体,而又强忍着不要呕吐出来,这是多么可怕的事啊!
- Analysis for circular arc correction of flying crank shear knife 曲柄飞剪刀片圆弧尺寸修正的分析
- A quartz crystal has crystallographic axes, and crystal cut is defined according to the cutting angle against a crystallographic axis and its associated mode of vibration. 温频特性与切割角有关,每个石英晶体具有结晶轴,晶体切割是按其振动模式沿垂直于结晶轴的角度切割的。
- Band knife cutting machine is a primary device equipment in garment and knitting etc industries.It could accurately cut the pattern offabrics. 带状式裁剪机是各制衣、针织等行业的主要裁剪设备,可精确地裁剪弯曲度大的裁片。