- Shenghua Zhixue decoction 生化止血饮
- Keywords Guchong Zhixue Decoction;Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis;Anovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding;Clinical Study; 固冲止血汤;气虚血瘀;无排卵性功能失调性子宫出血;止血机理;
- Anhuan Zhixue Decoction 安环止血汤
- Guchong Zhixue Decoction 固冲止血汤
- We use the method of mifepristone and misoprostol tablets combined modified Shenghua Decoction to cure all kinds of refractory abortion 265 cases. 采用米非司酮配伍米索前列醇再联合加味生化汤的方法治疗各类难治性流产患者共265例。
- Objective To explore the effect of Shenghua Decoction plus feet bath on uterine involution and sleep quality of patients with cesarean section. 目的探讨生化汤加减足浴对剖宫产术后产妇子宫复旧和睡眠质量的影响。
- Have you ever decoct Chinese medicinal herbs? 您煎过中药吗?
- Decoct Chinese traditional medicine when build top? 煎中药的时候盖盖子吗?
- Methods The decoct number was discussed. 方法探讨煎煮次数;
- Irritability rhinitis how decoct medicine? 过敏性鼻炎怎样煎药?
- Objective To study on the quality standards of Shenghua pills. 目的对生化丸的质量标准进行研究。
- When is decoct Chinese traditional medicine best? 什么时间煎中药最好?
- Thus, Chinese herbal medicine can only decoct. 如果能够把中药之有效成份纳米微粒化,就可提高水溶解性,这不仅便于服用也便于人体吸收。
- One decoction will put you right. 吃一煎药就会好的。
- On Jingshi Zhixue's Initiator, Starting Time and Prosperity Area Thereof? 经世致用之学究竟始创于何时何人并大盛于何地?
- The decoct() function converts a decimal number to an octal number. 函数的作用是:将一个十进制数字转换为八进制。
- Through studying recent literatures on Shenghua decoction,the result showed that the decoction wasn t only applied for puerperal disease,also was widely used in gynecological diseases. 通过对近年有关生化汤的文献研究发现,生化汤不限于产后病,还被广泛应用于治疗妇科疾病。
- No, never. How do decoct these Chinese medicinal herbs? 从来没有煎过。怎样煎中药?
- Bao decoct evaporate boils anguine flesh to all become cate. 蛇肉煲煎蒸煮皆成佳肴。
- Its decoction contains abundant potassium and calcium ions. 明党参水煎膏中含丰富的钾和钙离子。