- Sherrington decerebrator 谢灵顿去脑器
- Mr. Sherrington will be here tonight. 谢灵顿先生今晚会来的。
- He expanded on Charles Sherrington's explanation of the spinal reflex. 他扩展雪令顿脊椎反射的解释。
- Attempts to turn Sherrington's vision into reality began in earnest in the 1970s. 1970年代起,科学家开始认真希望实现薛林顿的想像。
- This alluring notion has inspired neuroscientists to attempt to realize Sherrington's vision. 这个诱人的想法鼓舞著神经科学家去尝试落实薛林顿的先见。
- Although Sherrington probably did not realize it at the time, his poetic metaphor contained an important scientific idea: that of the brain revealing its inner workings optically. 薛林顿可能不知道,他诗意的比喻隐藏了一个重要的科学观念:我们可以透过光来揭露脑部的运作。
- In 1937 the great neuroscientist Sir Charles Scott Sherrington of the University of Oxford laid out what would become a classic description of the brain at work. 1937年,英国牛津大学伟大的神经科学家薛林顿(SirCharlesScottSherrington)对脑的运作提出了一段经典的描述。
- Sherrington's decerebrator 谢灵顿氏切脑器
- Sherrington's flicker experiment 闪烁试验, 谢灵顿(氏)闪烁试验:检查双眼融合
- Sherrington rs decerebrator 谢灵顿氏切脑器
- decerebrator 切脑器
- Liddel and Sherrington reflex 肌伸张反射
- Sherrington animal 谢林顿动物(除脑动物)
- Sherrington flicker experiment 谢灵顿闪烁实验
- Sherrington law 谢林顿定律, 交互神经支配定律
- Sherrington phenomenon [医] 谢灵顿氏现象(变性运动神经刺激时引起四肢屈肌反应)
- Sherrington theory 谢灵顿学说
- Sherrington's disk 谢灵顿(氏)闪烁盘
- Sherrington's law [医] 谢灵顿氏定律(脊神经后根的分布; 肌收缩与拮抗肌松弛)
- Sherrington's phenomenon 谢灵顿(氏)现象