- Shifrin Atman 宇宙我
- Atman or the supreme Self is God. 神我或至高的自性就是神。
- LiLi:At Yueyang Atman specialization Yoga center. 就在岳阳阿提曼专业瑜伽中心吧。
- Atman or the Supreme Self is the witness and the Lord of the mind. 高的自性是内心的静观者,也是内心的主宰。
- Extend singing voice flash atman with sound pass spirit space. 舒展歌喉;闪亮自我;用声音传递心灵的空间.
- The pure consciousness of the Atman is unchangeable. 阿特曼的纯粹意识是不会改变的。
- You are the Immortal, all-pervading Atman, the Supreme Truth. 你是永恒不朽、无处不在的自性、至高的真实。
- Mind is not self-luminous. It borrows light from the Atman or the Supreme Self. 内心不是自明的,它的光辉来自神我或至高的自性。
- The Atman shines forth in its own pristine nature, as pure consciousness. 阿特曼作为纯粹意识,在其自身的、纯洁本性中放射出光芒。
- The Katha-upanishad, through the story of Nachiketa, discussed death and the permanence of the soul (Atman). 卡塔奥义书,通过尼兹卡塔的故事,论述了死亡与灵魂(生命的本源,自我)的持久性。
- "My partner, Eduard Shifrin, left the decision entirely up to me, since he knows how important it is for me to see the team not only survive, but succeed. "我的合伙人艾德华特-施夫林自从知道了看到车队继续并且成功对我而言有多重要之后,就把做决定的权利全都给了我。
- The single absolute being pervading the universe and found within the individual; atman. 自我宇宙中和可在个体中找到的独一无二的绝对存在;自我。
- Atman who is one and immutable by nature seems to have assumed innumerable forms. 神我是唯一的,不变的,但却拥有无数的形象。
- She is the Mother of the Universe, identical with the Brahman of Vedanta, and with the Atman of Yoga. 她是宇宙之母,同样也是吠檀多的梵天,又是瑜伽的阿特曼。
- The sattwa guna is merely the agent of the Atman, which is independent, existing only for its own sake. 萨捶仅仅是阿特曼的工具,而阿特曼则是独立存在的。
- They all speak to the realization of the Atman as being nothing other than the infinite Brahman. 它们都说是实现阿特曼,因为除了无限的婆罗门以外,并无其他。
- By making samyama on the independence of the Atman, one gains knowledge of the Atman. 专念于阿特曼的独立性,便得到阿特曼的知识。
- Surya, the Sun, is a manifestation of Vishnu, a central aspect of the Supreme, and is also the Atman within man. 太阳,萨瓦,是毗瑟始的显示,一个重要的至高者外貌,也在人类的阿特曼(Atman,自我,灵魂,印度哲学和印度教生命的本源)里面。
- The Rish said, “Atman is a Brahman”, and the people listening to it went straight to heaven. 古印度智者说:“我即梵”,听它的人们直接上了天堂。
- Atman or the Self cannot be defined in words, but can be experienced through intuition. 神我或自性不能用言语来界定,但可以通过直觉来经验。