- Shih Huang Ti 始皇帝
- Huang TI, Yang SC, Huang CC, Chen JR and Cheng CJ: Effects of the water extract of chlorella on lipid metabolism in hyperlipidemia, The 2nd International Congress of Sports Nutrition (2000). 黄娣仪、杨素卿:绿藻对于高油脂高胆固醇饮食之大白鼠脂质代谢的影响。中华民国营养学会第二十六届年会,台北(2000).
- Under the influence of Xing Ling School, sentimentalism was expressed more obviously in the works of Huang Ti Zheng, which is a good case of the study on the school after its golden age. 受性灵诗风余波影响,上述情感特征在他身上体现得更为明显,为我们研究性灵诗风在度过封建盛世后的发展变化提供了一个极有价值的个案。
- Huang Ti's Mythical Legend and the East Yi Clan Culture 黄帝神话传说与东夷文化
- C.David Shih Huang 黄适卓
- Huang Ti clan 黄帝族
- Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance: Liberalism. 摘要:胡适与中国的文艺复兴。
- Professor, Department of English, Shih Hs... 世新大学英语系教授。
- Sproat, R.,Shih C.L.,et al.1996. 刘开瑛,1997,现代汉语自动分词评测技术研究。
- Ssu shih li p"u. Characteristic ruins. March 7. 3月7日,四十里铺,废墟。
- Did't you know he has gone ti London? 难道你不知道提已经去伦敦了吗?
- Shih shore design of your beauty! 西施岸设计出属于你的美!
- I just want ti have an ice cold shower. 我现在就想洗个冷水澡。
- Else disabled Shih will too late to regret. 否则不能用时会后悔不及。
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。
- The Poodle and the Shih Tzu completed the top 10. 同时跻身前十名的还有狮子狗和西施犬.
- Shaak Ti tenaciously continued to cling to life. 莎克·提的生命力可谓顽强持久。
- Please connect me with Mr. Huang. 请黄先生听电话。
- TI : Good memory is your born gift. 学习相良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。
- Huang, I.C., Jone, K.Y., &Uen, J.F.(1996). 黄英忠、钟昆原、温金丰(民87)。