- Should I pay the repair cost? 我要付修理费吗?
- Now where should I pay the money? 我将到哪里去付钱?
- Where should I pay the excess fare? 外宾: 我该在哪里补票?
- When should I pay the course fee? 我什么时候付学费?
- Taxpayer: When should I pay the tax? 纳税人:在什么时间?
- When should I pay the tutor fee? 我应该如何与导师结算学费?
- To whom should I pay the purchase price? 我应该对谁支付这购买价?
- Have I got to pay the airport tax,and how much should I pay? 我需要交纳机场税吗,交多少?
- Have I got to pay the airport tax, and how much should I pay? 我需要交纳机场税吗,交多少?
- Should I pay the comminssion charge if I withdrew fron anther bank? 我跨行取款是否要交手续费呢?
- There is no air conditioning in the room.Why should I pay the charge? 房间里没有冷气,怎么要收冷气费?
- She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience. 她付了维修费以减轻内疚感。
- How much should i pay for the hotel per day? 宾馆住宿一天要多少钱?
- How much should I pay for the overweight? 我要交多少超重费?
- How much should I pay for the duty? 我该付多少税款?
- highly anticipated 备受期待
- I am sorry, the book you borrowed has been damaged. According to our regulations, you have to pay for the repair cost. 对不起,您借的书有损坏,要按章赔偿。
- Otherwise, the Leasee shall pay for the repair cost thus caused as well as the operating losses of the Leasor during the repair (losses as 80% of contractual rent). 反之,承租方应当支付由此造成的修理费用和修理期间出租方的营业损失(损失为合同租金的80%25)。
- Why should I pay the penalty? 别人的错为何由我来受罚?
- The garage has a lien on her car until she pay the repair bill. 汽车修理部在她小汽车上拥有留置权,该权利将延续到付清修理费。