- Show Time Slider 显示时间滑动块
- In the Time Slider, drag the current time indicator to frame 6. 在时间滑块里,拖动当前的时间滑块到第6帧。
- In the Time Slider, set the Playback Start Time to 1. 在时间标尺中,设置播放开始时间为1.
- In the Time Slider, drag the current time indicator to frame 36. 在时间标尺中,拖动当前时间滑块到帧36处。
- OK, boys and grils,it's show time now . 从顶头打来的;角度为90的聚光灯.
- Salsa dancers, before the show time... 舞蹈表演队上场前的一刻。
- I Show time .... before tody..... 黑暗中既美女呀...呵呵!!
- Show time so as to achieve the exit function. 从而实现显示时间各退出程序的功能。
- Click play on the Time Slider playback controls to play back the clip. 在时间标尺播放控制一栏里点击播放按扭,回放播放剪辑。
- In the Show time as list, click Free or Out of Office. 在“时间显示为”列表中,单击“闲”或“外出”。
- Then drag the Time Slider to frame 13 and move the cannon backwards to define the recoil. 然后拖动时间滑块到13帧并向后移动火炮到反冲位置。
- Check local listings for show times. 检查本地上市作秀倍。
- Drag over all the objects that make up the cannon object in the Front viewport and drag the Time Slider to frame 10 again. 在前视图拖动曳所有对象补足火炮对象的动画,并再次拖动时间滑块框10帧。
- A red tick appears in the Time Slider at frame 36 indicating the keyframe. Setting a keyframe establishes the starting rotation for the redirection rotation of the skeleton. 红色记号出现在时间标尺36帧处,表示关键帧。设置一个关键帧是为了确定骨架重定向的开始旋转。
- Show time : 1.Do you need some ice for your brain before your brain overheats? 你是否需要一些冰是你的大脑降降温,它工作得太累了。(一般是嘲讽某人说出一些比较聪明的话)
- But when I come on the stage and make my speech, this is my show time! 但是当我站上著个舞台并且呈现我的演讲时,这就是我表现的时刻!
- On Saturday at 10 a.m. it's show time for Brenda Zhang and her subtitle team. 星期六上午10点是布伦达张和她的字幕小组的上班时间。
- In the Week and Month sections, clear the Show times as clocks check boxes. 在“周”和“月”区域中,选择“以钟表方式显示”复选框。
- Group discussion: After the Talk show, students may have Group discussions certain topics in group for some time before the Show time. 分组讨论:脱口秀完毕之后,学员将进行分组讨论,为下面的展示时间进行准备。
- Perhaps that is a coincidence that China's WTO accession coincided with the time each of the domestic Security Show time close. 也许是巧合,中国加入WTO的时间正好与每年的国内安防大展时间贴近。