- Showy and not substantial 华而不实
- Dreams and ghosts are not substantial. 梦境和鬼魂都不真实。
- He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome. 他是瘦长脸,一点也不漂亮。
- A unit of a corolla, usually showy and colored. 花瓣花冠的基本部分,通常绚丽多彩的
- He is only interested in things and not people. 他只对物而不对人感兴趣。
- Concise lines toes form the space of refine is experienced is showily and not make public. 简洁线条凝炼的空间感受是华贵而不张扬。
- He's incompetent and not worth keeping on. 他庸碌无能,不值得留用。
- He seems to me rather showy and bad form. 我觉得这个人有点浮华,而且派头不好。
- He seemed rather showy and bad form at the party. 在聚会上他显得有些装腔作势,而且举止无礼。
- It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about. 区区小事不值得争吵。
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。
- Tell him to keep calm and not to crowd the mourners. 叫他保持冷静,不要操之过急。
- He even more likes to drink wine and not to like beer. 他更愿意喝葡萄酒而不喜欢啤酒。
- The keepsake she gave me is small and not very costly. 她送我的纪念品很小而且不值钱。
- He's as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work. 他吃不了苦,胜任不了艰苦的体力劳动。
- It is inconceivable that a thing can both be and not be. 一件事情,即是又非是,是不可思议的。
- In politics there is too much talk and not enough action. 在政治方面向来是说得多做得少。
- Empirical evidence for the existence of population traps is not substantial. 关于人口陷井存在的经验证据还不够充分。
- The officials were holding loose and not in earnest. 官员们都漠然置之,并不认真对待。
- Even abe smiled, but only a litter and not for long. 甚至艾贝也笑了,但是仅仅一会儿而不是很长时间。