- Shu Hai(Hai the Slave) 竖亥
- The slave was strapped to death. 这个奴隶被鞭打死。
- The slave was leathered black and blue. 那个奴隶被抽打得浑身青紫。
- The slave has never experienced the sweetness of freedom. 这个奴隶从未体验过自由的快乐。
- The cruelty of the slave traders knew no bounds. 奴隶贩子的残忍是说不完的。
- The slave unit is located at the ground stations. 附属装置安装在地面台。
- The slave was anxious to alter his destiny. 那个奴隶急于改变他的命运。
- Purpose is but the slave to memory. 意志这东西,是记忆的奴隶。
- The king spared the life of the slave. 国王饶了那奴隶的命。
- Must I undertake to prove that the slave is a man? 这个问题在哪一个枝节上我们的国民还需要点拨呢?
- The brutal slave owner gouged out the slave's eyes. 凶残的奴隶主剜掉了奴隶的双眼。
- Caligula spared the slave’s life. 加里古拉饶了那奴隶的命。
- Caligula spare not the slave’s life. 卡里格饶了那个奴隶的命。
- The slaves rose against their cruel masters. 奴隶们起来反抗他们残暴的主人。
- The slaves slew their masters with swords. 奴隶们用刀杀死了主人。
- The slave escaped and became a free man. 奴隶逃跑了,成了自由人。
- Caligula spare the slave’s life. 卡里格饶了那个奴隶的命。
- The book only touches on the causes of the war and does not do justice to the influence of the slave trade. 这本书只稍稍涉及了一下战争的原因,并没有公正评价奴隶贸易的影响。
- He leathered the slave black and blue. 他用皮鞭把奴隶抽打得浑身青一块紫一块。
- Cross cole unplugs to Gao Hai the area is advanced, form new high grade produce a division. 杂交油菜向高海拔地区推进,形成新的优质产区。