- Shu Tong Wen 书同文
- China's Tong Wen has won the women's over 78-kilogram gold on the final day of the Olympic judo competition. 中国选手佟文在最后一天的奥运柔道比赛中赢得女子78公斤以上级比赛金牌。
- Tianjin's Judo champion Tong Wen falls attractively in the athletic field, under the athletic field sings is also very good. 天津的柔道冠军佟文在赛场上摔得漂亮,赛场下唱得也很不错。
- Another story about the name of the spring is that Shu Tong, a contemporary calligrapher, used to live by this spring and used to frequently wash his brushes and inkstone in this spring. 关于墨泉的得名还有一个传说,因当代著名书法家舒同当年曾在泉边居住,常以此水磨墨洗砚而得名。
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Shang shu jin wen er shi ba pian jie / Yang Zhongtai zhuan. 与下列同本:尚书今文二十八篇解/杨钟泰撰.
- Series Xizang xue wen xian cong shu bie ji. 西藏学文献丛书别辑.
- there is the epigraph of the artists such as Zhao Puchu,Qu Wu,Liu Haisu,Guan Shanyue,Lu Yanshao,Shu Tong. 中国南北猴戏的历史、及众多猴戏艺术家生平的介绍;
- Series Shenzhou xi lie (Xianggang wen hua yi shu chu ban she) ; 14. 神州系列(香港文化艺术出版社);14.
- Series Shenzhou xi lie (Xianggang wen hua yi shu chu ban she) ; 15. 神州系列(香港文化艺术出版社);15.
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Hou Han shu bu biao / Qian Dazhao zhuan. 与下列同本:后汉书补表/钱大昭撰.
- Is that Mr. Clark? This is Liu Wen speaking. 是克拉克先生吗?我是刘文。
- Series Zhongguo dang dai wen hua shu xi. Da xue sheng du ben. 中囯当代文化书系.;大学生读本
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Wan zai tang wen ji / Guo Zhiqi zhuan. 与下列同本:宛在堂文集/郭之奇撰.
- Luo Mai Shu Tong 络脉舒通
- Liu Shu Tong 六书通
- Tong Wen 佟文
- the Tong Wen Guan Academy 同文馆
- Your name has tong resounded in my ears. 久闻大名,如雷贯耳。
- Zebra: I volunteer my services instead Yang Shu. 斑马:我毛遂自荐代杨舒来主持节目的。