- To develope new product with high additional value,the industrial-scale experiment on Fe Si Al Ca Ba alloy with one-step process is conducted. 为开发高附加值产品 ,采用“一步法”工艺进行了硅铝钙钡铁合金的工业生产试验。
- A rapid, accurate and economic XRFS method for the analysis of Si Al Fe alloy is described in this paper.The sample powder is directly pressed into discs and used in the analysis. 采用粉末样品直接压片法,通过基体校正等手段,建立了新型铁合金硅铝铁X射线荧光分析方法。
- On the basis of analysis of activated silicon and aluminum components,a new smelting process of Si Al Fe alloy by use of coal spoil for replace a part of bauxite was proposed. 通过分析煤矸石的活性硅、铝成分,提出了以煤矸石代替部分铝钒土冶炼硅铝铁合金。
- The condition of smelting Si Ca Ba alloy in DC furnace is introduce d.The method to slove furnace bottom build up and the factor affecting Ca conte nt in Si Ca Ba alloy are emphatically expounded. 介绍了在直流电炉中生产硅钙钡合金的试验情况,着重阐述了解决炉底上涨的方法和影响合金钙含量的因素。
- Discussion on Main Technology of Setting Seedlings by Cuttage for Popwlus al ba L. 银中杨扦插育苗主要技术探讨。
- The raw materials adapting for cultivation of Lepiota Al ba was a mixture by grass po wder,cow dung and wheat bran. 选用棉籽壳、草粉、牛粪粉、麸皮为栽培的培养料进行了28个配方试验,结果表明,适宜白环柄菇子实体生长的原料为以适当比例配合的草粉、牛粪粉和麸皮。
- Keywords Si Ca Ba alloy;Deoxidization; 关键词硅钙钡合金;脱氧;
- Si al secondo piano. 是的,住在三楼。
- Zinc Dipping Solutions for the Pretreatment of High Si Al Cast Alloy 高硅铸铝合金镀前浸锌液
- Keywords XRFS Si Al ferroalloy Pressed disc samp(; 关键词X荧光;硅铝铁合金;粉末压块;
- Keywords Si Al material;microwave synthesis;HDN;surfactant; 硅铝材料;微波合成;加氢脱氮;表面活性剂;
- It also presents the research trend of cast Al?Si alloy. 对铸造Al?Si合金以后的研究方向提出了看法
- Keywords Ba alloy;thermodynamic model;deoxidation;inclusion; 钡合金;热力学模型;脱氧;夹杂物;
- Ba al duzue plater barazkijalerik? 你这里有素菜吗?
- Marple VA,Olson BA,Santhanakrishnan K,et al. 徐凯建;孙考祥;陆义成;等.
- Al causes operated to bring about the war. 那场战争的起因有几个。
- The concert included works by Mozart et al. 音乐会上演奏莫扎特等人的作品。
- Non si crede al santo finche non fa il miracolo. 看不到奇迹的话,就别相信他是圣人。
- The modifying elements used in hypoeutectic Al Si alloys,besides Na,there are also Sr,Te,Ba,Sb,K,RE,B,S,etc. 亚共晶铝硅合金的变质元素除钠以外,还有锶、碲、钡、锑、钾、稀土、硼、硫等。其中,应用较多的是含钠和锶的变质剂。
- Primary study of Si Li Ba on treatment for amblyopia of children. 思利巴治疗儿童弱视的初步临床观察。