- Sibutad gold ore area 西必塔金矿
- soil erosion of zinc gold ore area 锌金矿区水土流失
- An area containing abundant deposits of gold or gold ore. 金矿区蕴藏大量黄金或金矿的地区
- gold ore area 金矿区
- Gold ore main type is auriferous quartz vein type. 金矿床主要为含金硫化物石英脉型。
- Gold ore bodies formed by every pulse and mant... 为本区的地质找矿提供了一个明显的找矿标志。
- A deposit of gold ore in an old riverbed. 富金砂矿古河床里的金砂矿床
- Gold ore deposits camps occuring in central Fujian province constitute the Dehua Youxi Yongtai golden triangle area. 闽中地区德化、尤溪、永泰一带发现的金矿点构成福建金矿成矿金三角。
- First we adopt stream sediment sampling to circle Au anomaly then carry out soil geochemistry survey to reduce target area, finally geological prospect to locate gold ore bodies. 先采用水系沉积物测量圈出异常,然后进行土壤(岩石)测量缩小靶区,最后进行地质普查,发现金矿(化)体。
- The experimental results on extraction of gold by heap leaching process from low-grade gold ore at very cold area in Xizang are introduced. 介绍了在西藏高寒地区采用堆浸工艺从低品位金矿石中提取金的试验结果。
- Influenced by deep fracture,the ductile shear metamorphism and deformation of Xinglonggou ductile shear belt control the space distribution of gold ore body in this mining area. 兴隆金矿区韧性剪切带受兴隆沟深断裂影响,其韧性剪切变质变形控制着本区金矿(化)体的空间分布。
- First we adopt stream sediment sampling to circle Au anomaly then carry out soil geochemistry survey to reduce target area,finally geological prospect to locate gold ore bodies. 先采用水系沉积物测量圈出异常,然后进行土壤(岩石)测量缩小靶区,最后进行地质普查,发现金矿(化)体。
- The overprinted part of the early and late stages is the ore shoot part in the ore area. 早晚两期成矿叠加部位构成矿区内富矿段。
- Geologic situation,resources and exploitation condition of shanxi loulan Metamorphic Iron Ore Area were introduced. 介绍了山西岚娄变质铁矿区的地质情况、资源储量及开发现状。
- A bronze vein will give gold ore, a verite vein will give valorite and so on. 举例来说,青铜矿脉可以挖出金矿,而绿矿脉 可以挖出蓝矿。
- The Manaoke gold ore deposit,locate d in Northwest Sichuan Provin ce,is o ne of the important ore deposits in the triangle area of Shaa nxi-Gans u-Sichuan provinces. 位于四川西北部的马脑壳金矿床为陕甘川金三角区内一重要矿床,许多学者对其进行过大量的研究,对其地质地球化学特征有了较为全面的认识,同时对矿床的成因也做了多方面的探讨。
- In the middle part of the ore area the Donggangling Formation is thiner and its sedimentary facies is tidal fiat-agoon facies. 来自下伏地层砂岩、泥岩的富含Mg、Fe的水与孔隙水以及地下淡水发生混合引起了灰岩的白云岩化,以及矿源层中成矿元素的活化,并与来自砂岩和泥岩中的成矿物质叠加在一起。
- The dolomite of Hualishan ore area is carbonate that composed by dolomite,it is the composite salt rock of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. 花梨山矿区白云岩是以白云石为主的碳酸盐岩,是碳酸钙和碳酸镁的复盐岩石。
- Gold ore occurs within the spilite tectonccla-stic belt and bears a close relation to altered pyrite. 金矿化产于细碧岩构造破碎带内,与蚀变黄铁矿关系最为密切。
- On the Relation between Alteration of Surrounding Rock and Gold Mineralization in the Xinchen Gold Ore Deposit. 浅谈新城金矿床围岩蚀变与金矿化的关系