- Silverjaw minnow 银颌鱼
- Throw out a minnow to catch a whale. 弃小引大。
- One must lose a minnow to catch a salmon. 失去小鲤鱼,抓住大马哈鱼。
- Does she try to grab Matthew the Minnow? 她会抓住小鱼马修吗?
- To throw out a minnow to catch a whale. 抛砖引玉(抛小鱼想捉鲸鱼)。
- The minnow population began to plummet. 鲤科小鱼群开始笔直落下。
- The minnow too had grown and had become a full-fledged fish. 此时的小鲦鱼也已长大,长成了一条年轻健康的鲦鱼。
- After two yearsof treatment, the fathead minnow population collapsed. 在进行两年的实验后,黑头呆鱼的数量大减。
- But the population plunged in the smallest fish species,the fathead minnow. 然而最小的鱼种,黑头呆鱼的数量却发生了变化。
- China's Haier, a maker of white goods, is a minnow next to Whirlpool's whale. 中国家电产品制造商海尔,同惠而浦这样的鲸鱼相比,就是条小鱼。
- Even as a baby, a blue whale can make a grown man seem like a minnow. 即便是蓝鲸宝宝,相较之下也能让一个成年人看起来像条小鲤鱼。
- The frog's egg will develop into a frog and the minnow's egg into a minnow. 青蛙蛋会生出青蛙与小鱼的蛋会生出小鱼。
- I'll say a few words first, in the hope of throwing out a minnow to catch a whale. 我先说几句,作为抛砖引玉吧。
- Suddenly the Pursuer appeared again, looking like an enormous squid about to swallow a minnow. 突然追击者又出现了,看起来就像一只乌贼即将吞下一只小鱼。
- Once you have located structure, position the boat directly into the wind and use a 1/8 jig head tipped with a minnow. 一旦您找出结构,安置小船直接地入风并且使用1/8夹具顶头打翻与鲤科小鱼。
- MINNOW,male, born in Anhui, PRC in 1966, created Poetry Website in Shanghai in 2001. 小鱼儿,男,1966生于中国安徽,2001年在上海创办“诗歌报”网站。
- It appears in several of her books, most notably Tom's Midnight Garden and Minnow on the Say. 1591年印制第一本圣经,使该社成为世上最古老的圣经出版社。
- China may be a world- beating manufacturing juggernaut, but it is a financial minnow. 中国可能是个撼动世界的制造业巨人,但却是个金融“侏儒”。
- He looked into every pool of water vainly, until, as the long twilight came on, he discovered a solitary fish, the size of a minnow, in such a pool. 他察看每一个水坑,却都是白费劲儿,直到漫长的黄昏来到时,他才在一个水坑里发现了唯一的一条鲦鱼大小的小鱼。
- The discussion of the theme offers materials to creation, performance and growth of Chinese opera, hoping the minnow can let us catch a whale. 本文的论述为中国歌剧创作、演出、发展的研究提供参考,希望能够起到一个抛砖引玉的作用。