- Sima Qian and Confucius 司马迁
- Because his marginal family in the main trend society, Sima Qian and his father had a common culture love knot and wished came back to main trend society. 司马迁出身于一个没落的官宦贵族家庭,在这个被主流社会边缘化的家庭里,希望被主流社会重新接纳和认同是司马谈和司马迁父子一个共同的文化情结。
- Different Views between Sima Qian and Sima Tan 司马谈、司马迁思想异同辨
- The Thought of History in the Works of Sima Qian and Polybius 论司马迁和波利比乌的历史思想
- Confucius and Laozi belong to the world, Sima Qian belongs to the world, and we all belong to the world too. 孔子、老子是世界的,司马迁是世界的,我们是世界的。
- Sima Qian’s admiration for the unobtainable ideal did not help him to be a Confucius, but it did help him to be Sima Qian, a Sima Qian as we know. 司马迁对这个“不能至”的理想的向往,并没有使他成为孔子,但这种向往使他成了司马迁,成了我们所知道的司马迁。
- A Comparative Study of the Historical Characters in SIMA Qian and PLUTARCH 论司马迁与普鲁塔克人物传记中的历史比较
- A Comparison of the Viewpoints of Nations between Sima Qian and Ban Gu 司马迁、班固民族思想之比较
- Socrates and Confucius asked questions just like that. 苏格拉底和孔子也就像这样提出问题。
- Did SIMA Qian Break through the Traditional National Thoughts? 司马迁有没有突破传统民族思想?
- Meng Qian and Chen Guanxi that matter, in this not suo. 孟茜和陈冠希那点事,在此不啰嗦了。
- Sima Qian (145 ~86 BC) was such an extensively traveled Western Han historian. 司马迁(公元前145一公元前86年)就是这样的一位曾四处游历的西汉历史学家。
- So we can conclude that Sima Qian is the inaugurator of Chinese Fu study. 司马迁理所当然是中国楚辞学和中国赋学研究的开创者和奠基人。
- Documentary photographers could be described as the modern Sima Qian. 纪实摄影家可能就是当代的司马迁。
- Sima Qian and Plebeian Liu Bang 司马迁与微时刘邦
- Sima Qian cited this concept to criticize the Emperor Hanwu and his officials abusing their power to enact new economic policies to deprive the people. 司马迁意在批判汉武帝君臣滥用权力与民争利而导致“国病”不治的经济政策。
- Sima Qian exactly expressed the function of Ci-fu was to offer advice to the sovereign in a euphemistic and indirect language. 在辞赋的功用问题上,司马迁明确地表达了自己重于讽谏的观点。
- Sima Qian on the "Shi Ji" creative, and most researchers view is "writing for grievances". 摘要关于司马迁《史记》的创作,大多研究者是持“发愤著书”的观点的。
- Yesterday, I saw an article saying that South Korea is a scholar Sima Qian also said that Korean people. 昨日,我看到了一篇文章,说是韩国有学者说司马迁也是韩国人。
- You should read Kant and Hegel and Confucius and Chiang Kai-shek, which are all negative stuff. 康德和黑格尔的书,孔子和蒋介石的书,这些反面的东西,需要读一读。