- Sima Qian s descendents 司马迁后人
- Sima Qian’s admiration for the unobtainable ideal did not help him to be a Confucius, but it did help him to be Sima Qian, a Sima Qian as we know. 司马迁对这个“不能至”的理想的向往,并没有使他成为孔子,但这种向往使他成了司马迁,成了我们所知道的司马迁。
- Sima Qian"s marginal culture and marginal psychology conflicted to Han Wudi"s Confucian and legalist culture,which lead to "Liling Hair". 司马迁的边缘文化和边缘心态与汉武帝的儒法文化产生了尖锐矛盾,并最终导致了“李陵之祸”。
- Did SIMA Qian Break through the Traditional National Thoughts? 司马迁有没有突破传统民族思想?
- Sima Qian (145 ~86 BC) was such an extensively traveled Western Han historian. 司马迁(公元前145一公元前86年)就是这样的一位曾四处游历的西汉历史学家。
- So we can conclude that Sima Qian is the inaugurator of Chinese Fu study. 司马迁理所当然是中国楚辞学和中国赋学研究的开创者和奠基人。
- Documentary photographers could be described as the modern Sima Qian. 纪实摄影家可能就是当代的司马迁。
- Sima Qian cited this concept to criticize the Emperor Hanwu and his officials abusing their power to enact new economic policies to deprive the people. 司马迁意在批判汉武帝君臣滥用权力与民争利而导致“国病”不治的经济政策。
- Sima Qian exactly expressed the function of Ci-fu was to offer advice to the sovereign in a euphemistic and indirect language. 在辞赋的功用问题上,司马迁明确地表达了自己重于讽谏的观点。
- Sima Qian on the "Shi Ji" creative, and most researchers view is "writing for grievances". 摘要关于司马迁《史记》的创作,大多研究者是持“发愤著书”的观点的。
- Yesterday, I saw an article saying that South Korea is a scholar Sima Qian also said that Korean people. 昨日,我看到了一篇文章,说是韩国有学者说司马迁也是韩国人。
- The coreference is extensively recognized as a device first used by Sima Qian in his "Historical Records". 摘要“互见法”为司马迁首创,这一观点似乎已得到学界的广泛认同。
- I hope that each of us can follow what Sima Qian advocated, “Though unachievable, aspiration to it remains. 我希望我们每一个人都能够如司马迁说的“虽不能至,心向往之”。
- Confucius and Laozi belong to the world, Sima Qian belongs to the world, and we all belong to the world too. 孔子、老子是世界的,司马迁是世界的,我们是世界的。
- Sima Qian Cimu Yongjia the Western Jin Dynasty was founded in 2004 (AD 310), almost since 1700. 司马迁祠墓始建于西晋永嘉四年(公元310年),距今已有近1700年。
- Why does few people know he is the president' s descendant? 为什么很少有人知道他的“存在”?
- Evaluation of his descendants are very high, Sima Qian praised him: "Kang allowed, non-cited, for the whole world. 后人对他评价皆很高,司马迁称赞他:“伉直,引是非,争天下大体。”
- The City of David awaits the homecoming of David’s descendent. 今夜,大卫之城等候大卫之裔归来。
- The famous historians such as Lu Jia, Sima Qian, Ban Gu, and Xun Yue were greatly edified by the Yi-ology. 陆贾、司马迁、班固、荀悦等著名史家深受易学的启迪和濡染,其史学著作中蕴含着丰富的易学思想。
- The basic contents of this report to Sima Qian in the "Historical Records DAWANQI-" saved. 逗留一年多后,只得返程。沿着南山,想从羌人居住的地方回到汉朝,又被匈奴截获。