- Key Words Recoverable launch vehicle,Single stage to orbit vehicle,Reentry trajectory. 主题词重复使用运载火箭,单级入轨运载器,再入弹道。
- Air-breathing hypersonic vehicle(AHV) has been the next generation single stage to orbit vehicle and hypersonic cruise vehicle. 吸气式高超声速飞行器是下一代单级入轨和高超声速巡航研究的重点飞行器。
- Basing and supportability requirements for single stage to orbit vehicles 单级入轨飞行器的基本要求和承载能力要求
- Review of the Development Way for Rocket Vehicle of Single Stage to Orbit 论单级入轨火箭运载器的发展途径
- Single stage to orbit rocket 单级入轨火箭
- Single Stage to Orbit 单级入轨
- More recently,NASA abandoned hope for the X-33,a pro posed replacement for the space shuttle that was supposed to fly from the ground to orbit in a single stage,rather than using a booster rock et,because the technology never quite panned out. 最近,国家航空航天局放弃了研制X-33的希望,因为它的技术一直没有得到充分验证。X-33是被提议用来代替航天飞机的产品,原本预计它可以无需火箭推动器而仅靠单级火箭就能直接从地面飞抵轨道。
- More recently, NASA abandoned hope for the X-33, a pro posed replacement for the space shuttle that was supposed to fly from the ground to orbit in a single stage, rather than using a booster rock et, because the technology never quite panned out. 最近,国家航空航天局放弃了研制x-33的希望,因为它的技术一直没有得到充分验证。x-33是被提议用来代替航天飞机的产品,原本预计它可以无需火箭推动器而仅靠单级火箭就能直接从地面飞抵轨道。
- The necessity about using supersonic combustion ramjet(scramjet)for the single stage to orb(?)t aerospace plane is demonstrated. 本文首先说明了单级入轨的空天飞机采用超声速燃烧冲压发动机的必要性。
- A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. 毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。
- This asteroid takes 238 years to orbit the sun. 这颗小行星需要花238年绕太阳运行一周。
- The earth takes a year to orbit the sun. 地球绕太阳一周要一年的时间。
- Jr. was the first American to orbit the earth. 是第一位沿地球轨道绕行的美国人。
- HE SLOUCHED onto the stage to light applause. 他无精打采地走上台,台下掌声稀落。
- Invites Bill back on stage to demo the game. 邀请比尔回到台上演示这款游戏。
- She walked onto the stage to claim her prize. 她走上台领了奖。
- The actors went on the stage to great applause. 这名演员一上台就赢得了热情的掌声。
- Everyone got up on stage to do a turn. 每个人都登台表演了一个小节目。
- He left the stage to prolonged applause. 他在经久不息的掌声中退下了舞台。
- They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets. 在号角声中,他们阔步退下舞台。