- Single pulmonary nodule 孤立肺结节
- Influences of resolution chosen for image diagnostic monitors on detection accuracy of single pulmonary nodules 影像诊断工作站显示器的选择对孤立性肺结节识读影响的研究
- The third is a solitary pulmonary nodule without mediastinal and hilar adenopathy (4.1%). 第三为单一肺部结节且无纵隔腔及肺门淋巴结佔有4.;1%25;
- YAMASHITA K, MATSUNOBE S, TSUDA T, et al. Solitary pulmonary nodule: preliminary study of evaluation with incremental dynamic CT [J]. Radiology,1995,194:399 405. 周永生;张承惠.;CT薄层增强扫描对良恶性肺结节的鉴别诊断[J]
- Chest X-ray revealed a nodule in the lower lobe of the right lung, and a non-homogeneous enhancement of the solitary pulmonary nodule was found on the contrast-enhanced CT films. 胸部X光发现在右下肺叶有个结节,该单一肺部结节在打显影剂后的电脑断层上呈现非均质性显影。
- On CT scan, AAH shows small pulmonary nodule with ground-glass attenuation (GGA) which may be due to partial reduction of alveolar air-space owing to increase in cellular component within the lesion. AAH通常是在手术切除标本镜检时偶然发现的。在CT上,AAH表现是小的肺结节伴周围毛玻璃样变(GGA),可能是因为增殖的细胞成份导致肺泡含气空间部分减少。
- Abstract: Objective To investigate enhanced CT scanning in differentiation of solitary pulmonary nodule and relationship between the degree and pattern of enhancement and vascularity. 摘 要: 目的探讨增强CT扫描鉴别诊断肺内孤立性结节的意义以及强化程度与富血管度的关系。
- Results On posteroanterior chest radiography,the tumors were seen as a endotracheal or endobronchial nodule,a solitary pulmonary nodule or mass,a mass with obstructive pneumonia or atelectasis. 结果气管支气管内炎性假瘤的胸片表现为气管内或支气管内结节或孤立的肺内肿块,有的伴或不伴阻塞性肺炎或肺不张。
- The distribution of GGO and pulmonary nodules were nonspecific. 磨玻璃样变和肺结节分布无特异性。
- Single pulmonary aspergillomas may be best managed by surgical resection (B-III) whereas chronic cavitary and chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis require long-term medical therapy (B-III). 单纯肺曲菌病最好通过手术切除治疗(B-3),而慢性腔性和慢性坏死性肺曲菌病则需要长期的药物治疗(B-3)。
- The distribution of GGO and pulmonary nodules acre nonspecific. 磨玻璃样变和肺结节分布无特异性。
- Single pulmonary aspergillomas may be best managed by surgical resection (B-III), whereas chronic cavitary and chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis require long-term medical therapy (B-III). 单纯肺曲菌病最好通过手术切除治疗(B-3),而慢性腔性和慢性坏死性肺曲菌病则需要长期的药物治疗(B-3)。
- The pulmonary manifestations of cryptococcosis are diverse but most commonly include single or multiple pulmonary nodules and segmental or lobar consolidation. 摘要隐孢球菌感染在肺部的表现是多样性的,但大部份是以单独或多个肺结节、肺小叶或肺大叶肺性肺实质化病变来表现。
- One patient remains alie with stable pulmonary nodules at more than 18 months. 一名患者在不到18个的时候留有仍然有活性的小瘤体。
- CT perfusion imaging in solitary pulmonary nodule CT灌注成像在孤立性肺结节中的应用
- High Resoluation CT of Solitary Pulmonary Nodule 孤立性肺肿块的高分辨率CT扫描
- Pulmonary nodule or mass in the lung 肺部结节或肿块
- CT Evaluation of Pleural Indentation of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules Less Than 3 cm. 3厘米以下孤立性肺结节胸膜凹陷征的CT评价
- To study a method for automatic segmenting and analyzing the features of solitary pulmonary nodules(SPN). 研究自动分割和提取原发性肺癌肺部孤立性结节(SPN)特征的方法。
- Objective:To evaluate conventio na l CT and high-resolution CT (HRCT) finding of solitary pulmonary nodules (SPN). 目的:评价CT与HRCT在检出和显示弧立性肺结节微细表现的价值。