- A joint communique was issued on May 5. 5月5日发表了一项联合公报。
- A joint communique was released on March7. 3月7日发表一项联合公报。
- The two countries signed a joint communique. 两国签署了联合公报。
- A joint communique was signed after the meeting. 会后签署了联合公报.
- Let us joint effort breaks through each test. 让我们共同努力攻破每一次考验。
- A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year. 一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。
- We were greatly inspired by reading the joint communique. 联合公报使我们大受鼓舞。
- Heading a delegation composed of former senior officials,former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger visited China in March,Who is optimistic about the Sino US relations. 美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格率领由前美国政府的高级官员组成的代表团于3月访华,他对中美关系持乐观态度。
- A Spanish left-wing group and 36 other mass organizations issued a joint communique on August 31st, strongly denouncing the various measures adopted by the US to strengthen its blockade against Cuba. 西班牙左翼联盟和其他36个群众团体8月31日发表联合公报,强烈谴责美国为了强化对古巴的封锁所采取的各种措施。
- Spanish left-wing group and 36 other mass organizations issued a joint communique on August 31st, strongly denouncing the various measures adopted by the US to strengthen its blockade against Cuba. 西班牙左翼联盟和其他36个群众团体8月31日发表联合公报,强烈谴责美国为了强化对古巴的封锁所采取的各种措施。
- US Secretary of State Powell arrived in Beijing on July 28.He vowed to work towards a constructive Sino US relationship during his visit to Beijing that gave hopes for more positive bilateral ties in the future. 美国国务卿鲍威尔于7月28日抵达北京。他声称要在访问北京期间努力将中美关系引向建设性的方向,希望未来的双边关系能向更积极方向发展。
- In February 1972, Nixon visited China, and the "Shanghai Joint Communique" was signed. 一九七二年二月尼克松访华,上海公报签字。
- Defense ministers of the six Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states met on June 14 in Shanghai and issued a joint communique. “上海合作组织”六国国防部长6月14日在上海举行会晤并签署了联合公报。
- The head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers, is in China for two days, before heading onto Mongoliaand Australia. 查理德迈尔斯将军访问中国时间为两天,之后将访问蒙古和澳州。
- Premier Sun Yun-suan and President Rodrigo Carazo of Costa Rica answering questions at a press conference after signing a joint communique. 图1:孙院长与哥斯大黎加总统卡拉柔签署联合公报后举行记者招待会。
- The head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers, is in China for two days, before heading onto Mongolia and Australia. 美国参谋首长联席会议主席访问中国,这是海南美国侦察机事件以来的首次最高军事官员的访问。
- A joint communique from the closed-door summit was light on specifics and signaled little sign of fresh momentum in the relationship. 从闭门会议中得出联合公报缺乏具体内容,也没有显示出双边关系出现新的发展势头的迹象。
- February 2002, Shengpu President of Equatorial Guinea on a state visit, the two heads of state signed a joint communique. 2002年2月,圣普总统对赤几进行国事访问,两国元首签署了联合公报。
- The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff has begun a visit to China in the highest level US militaryvisit since a spy plane drama nearly three years ago. 美国参谋首长联席会议主席访问中国,这是海南美国侦察机事件以来的首次最高军事官员的访问。
- Has any to the greatly abundant this city to be good with not the goodsuggestion, may exchange in here; Let us joint effort, greatly abundant constructs the even more happiness! 对大丰这个城市有什么好与不好的建议,可以在这里交流;让我们共同努力,把大丰建设得更加的美好!