- Sinus node potentials 窦房结电位
- Keywords Electrophysiology Sinus node potential Signal averaging Transesophageal catheter; 电生理学;窦房结电图;信号叠加;食管导管;
- An increase in extracellular potassium does in fact shift the pacemaker within the sinus node from the cephalic to the caudal portion. 细胞外液钾的增高确实能使窦房结内的起博点从头侧移向尾侧。
- Comparative studies between the sinus node and the atrioventricular node have revealed relatively few histological differences. 对窦房结和房室结进行比较研究表明,它们在组织学上只有少许差异。
- These cell clusters in the central part of the sinus node are all around the sinus node artery. 窦房结中心区的细胞集落,全都存在于窦房结动脉周围。
- Purkinje fibers are driven ("over driven") by the sinus node at twice their intrinsic rate. 浦氏纤维是被较其本身频率约高一倍的窦房结所驱动(“超速驱动”)。
- Sinus bradycardia is a heart rhythm that originates from the sinus node and has a rate of under 60bpm. 什么是'窦性心动过缓-窦性心率与率低于60每分钟心跳'?
- Objective:To investigate the significance of SNEb on detection of pacing and conduction capacity of Sinus Node. 目的:深入探讨体表窦房结电图对窦房结起搏与传导功能检测的临床意义。
- An abnormal cardiac rhythms (arrhythmia), modulated parasystole, is caused by the nonliear interaction between the sinus node and myopic Ventricular focus in the heart. 心脏窦房结与异位心室搏动非线性相互作用,导致调制并行收缩反常节律。
- Abstract : An abnormal cardiac rhythms (arrhythmia), modulated parasystole, is caused by the nonliear interaction between the sinus node and myopic Ventricular focus in the heart. 摘要 : 心脏窦房结与异位心室搏动非线性相互作用,导致调制并行收缩反常节律。
- The 16 case of PAF (51.6%) can be identified the sick sinus syndrome (SSS) from the causes of SNRT, CSNRT and SACT; 8 case of PAF were diagonosed sinus node dysfunction (25.8%), and one case of PAF was concealed accessory pathway (3.23%) by EAP. 2例因心率过快停止测试,余31例根据窦房结恢复时间(SNRT)、校正窦房结恢复时间(CSNRT)、窦房传导时间(SACT)可明确诊断病态窦房结综合征16例(51.;6%25)窦房结功能低下8例(25
- Methods: The data of EAP examine including sinus node rehabilitation time (SNRT), correction SNRT (CSNRT) and sinus-atrial conduction time (SACT) were analyzed retrospectively in 31 middle-aged or aged patients with PAF. 方法:回顾性分析1998年1月到2004年1月于我院就诊的33例阵发性房颤病人食道心房调搏检查的结果。
- Results Antiarrhythmic effect of COE may be related to its prolongation of action potential duration, increase of the absolute value of resting potential and a decrease of autonomy of sinus node. 结果山茱萸提取液抗心律失常作用可能与延长心肌动作电位、增大静息电位绝对值和降低窦房结自律性有关。其抗心律失常的有效部位为总有机酸和一种未知的微量成分。
- Objective To study the distribution and proportion of neuropeptide containing nervers in the sinus node in cases of sudden manhood death syndrome (SMDS) and to explore the mechanism of SMDS. 摘要目的研究青壮年猝死综合徵(SMDS)窦房结肽能神经的分布及其比例关系,探讨SMDS的猝死机制。
- Electronic pacemakers are used to treat a variety of disorders of the cardiac conduction system,with sinus node dysfunction being the primary indication that a pacemaker is required. 电子起搏器治疗窦房结功能障碍及其它心脏传导系统疾病已获得较好的效果,但也伴随一些负面效应:高费用、有限的电池寿命及缺乏对神经激素生理性反应等。
- Isochrones were displayed both during sinus rhythm and AF.Results During sinus rhythm,the atrial excitation wave front begins from sinus node spreading to right atrium(RA)and left atrium(LA). 在开胸状态下,使用自制的心外膜标测电极及信号采集系统分别对窦性心律及急性房颤心律进行心房心外膜标测,绘制等时图。
- abnormal sinus node recovery time 窦房结恢复时间异常
- As for NPY positive materials,VIP positive materials and the ratio of VIP/NPY in the sinus nodes,there were no significant difference between the control group and SMDS group. SMDS组与非心性死亡组相比,窦房结NPY、VIP免疫阳性物含量及VIP/NPY两者比值均无显著性差异。
- The result shows the encephalic pathological tissues have effect on the scalp boundary nodes potential. 结果表明颅内组织异变对头皮边界节点电位的影响明显。
- corrected sinus node recovery time 校正窦房结恢复时间