- Size From Centerto End Surface 中心至端面尺寸
- Size From Back Surface to End Surface 背面至端面寸
- These farms vary in size from a few score to several thousand mu. 这些农场由几十亩到几千亩大小不等。
- This enlarger can make prints of various size from the negative. 这台放大机可以从底片冲洗出各种型号的照片来
- Class of the specified size from the specified file. 类的指定大小的新实例。
- The writes vary in size from 512 bytes to the log buffer size. 写入的大小各不相同:从512字节到日志缓冲区大小。
- This enlarger can make print of various size from the negative. 这台放大机可以从底片,效果会好吗
- I do know that CSAs vary in size from three shares to over 2300. 我的确知道各个农场在规模上差异非常大,从三个股东到2300个都有。
- Sunspots vary in size from what appear to be small specks on the sun's surface,to at least 90,000 miles long,and 200,000 miles in length,and are visible on most clear days. 太阳黑子的大小不等,有的是在太阳表面看来很小的黑斑,有的则至少有90,000英里长,甚至200,000英里长。在绝大多数的晴天都能看到。
- Hand Sewing Needles: sized from coarseto very fine. 手缝针:由粗到细编号。
- The machine is specially designed for coating epoxy insulating layer to a work piece, such as the slot inner and end surface of an armature. 该机适用于将环氧绝缘粉末涂附并熔结于工件的表面,如微电机转子铁芯线槽内表面及端面等。
- The autocontrol of common lathe can complete many tasks such as turning end surface,cone and cutting trough etc. 普通车床的自动控制,可以完成车削端面、锥面、刻槽等加工任务,从而使人们从繁重的劳动中解脱出来,并使得工件的加工精度更加精确。
- Bolts and screws in the size from M6 to M27 and length up to 500 mm. 我们生产的螺栓和螺丝在大小主要从M6到M27,长度可达到500毫米。
- The inside and outside needle's front end surface is the rough finish processing, distinguishes easy under the phantom equipment pricks the position. 内外针的前端表面均为粗面加工,易于在影像设备下识别刺入位置。
- A rock composed of compacted volcanic ash varying in size from fine sand to coarse gravel. 凝灰岩致密火山灰构成的岩石,大小以细粒至粗砾石不等
- Then after thick, the essence two axle diameter localization drills the thread, the keyseat and the mill crank end surface. 机械加工工艺是规定产品或零件机械加工工艺过程和操作方法,是指导生产的重要的技术性文件。
- The temperature of the crystal is the lowest, and the shape changed of the end face is the smallest by using the end surface hydrocooling method. 三种冷却方式中,泵浦端水冷情况下晶体温度最低,端面形变量最小。
- They range in size from the microscopic flagellate Micromonas to giant kelp that reach 200 ft (60 m) in length. 大小不一,从显微镜下的单细胞鞭毛虫,到长达60公尺的大型褐藻。
- During rotor measureing in rotatory components of rotating mathine, the spoon shaped deflection of end surface is an important item. 转动机械转子上回转部件的端面瓢偏度是转子测量的重要项目之一。
- This enlarger can make prints of various sizes from the negative. 这台放大机可以从底片印出各种尺寸的照片。