- Sizing practice of guar gum 瓜尔胶浆料的上浆实践
- The specific polysaccharide component of guar gum is guaran. 瓜耳胶的这个特殊的多糖成分称瓜拉那。
- This article introduces the use situation of guar gum in latex wall coatings. 介绍了瓜尔胶在内、外墙乳胶涂料中的应用情况。
- The properties of guar gum were introduced in this paper and the performances of size film and adhesive force of size mixed with guar gum to decrease the usage of PVA were measured. 摘要介绍了瓜尔胶的性能,对添加瓜尔胶以降低淀粉混合浆中PVA的用量进行了浆膜性能和浆液粘附力试验。
- We have integrated manufacturing plants for all grades of Guar Gum Splits and Guar Gum powder. 我们拥有一体化的生产装置,加工各种牌号的瓜尔豆片和瓜尔胶粉。
- The most important growing area centres on Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India . Currently India is the source of about 80% of the world production of guar gum. 最主要的生长区域为印度拉贾斯坦邦的焦特布尔。目前,印度的产量占世界瓜尔胶产量的80%25左右。
- The structure and character of guar gum and progress in studies on amendatory guar gum were discussed in this article. 论述了瓜尔胶结构和性质以及改性瓜尔胶的研究进展,为瓜尔胶进一步开发研究提供参考。
- A new tackifier GFZ was developed using the modified product of guar gum and plant starch as raw material. 以胍尔豆胶和植物淀粉的改性产品为原料,研制出了增粘剂GFZ。
- The structure and characterizations of guar gum are reviewed, with emphasis on the progress in various methods of modification. 本文综述了瓜尔胶的结构和性质,重点介绍了化学改性研究方法方面的研究进展。
- To resolve problems of quick pick-up and easy expansion after moisture absorption of bamboo fiber,sizing practice of 9.8 tex bamboo fiber yarn was done. 为解决竹纤维吸浆速度快、纱线吸湿后易膨胀造成粘并的问题;对9.;8 tex竹纤维纱进行上浆实践。
- The biological nature of guar seed, the physical and chemical property of guar gum, the nutritional ingredient value of guar meal and its application in feed were explained. 本文介绍了瓜尔豆的生物特性以及瓜尔豆胶的物化性质、尔豆粕的营养特性及其在饲料中的应用。
- To research property of ST-KT solid acrylic size,sizing practice of ST-KT was done in fine count high density variety with Benninger sizing machine. 为了解ST-KT固体丙烯酸类浆料的性能,将ST-KT浆料用于细号高密品种,并在贝宁格浆纱机上进行了上浆实践。
- We publish the daily indicative price of guar gum splits and guar gum powders here, which we beliver that the information is useful and beneficial to you in decision making. 我们在此发布瓜尔豆片和瓜尔胶粉的每日指示价格,我们相信这些信息对您决定购买产品的决策方面能够提供帮助。
- This paper discusses the factors which influence the rheology of Guar gum from molecule structure, exterior condition and reciprocity with other food colloids. 本文介绍了瓜尔豆胶的流变性质,并且从分子特征、外部条件以及与其它食品胶相互作用等方面探讨了其影响因素。
- Finally, the results show that the addition of guar gum could increase the dose of modified starch, at the same time, the film-forming properties and adhesive force are improved. 结果表明,瓜尔胶的加入能提高变性淀粉的用量,有效改善混合浆的成膜性和粘附性。
- The result showed that the viscosity of guar gum was lower and closed to the requirements of rotary screen-printing,and higher resistance to acid and alkali. 结果表明,瓜尔豆胶溶液粘度较低,更接近圆网印花对糊料粘度的要求,且耐酸碱性更强。
- Sizing Practice of Down-proof Fabric Warp 防羽布经纱上浆实践
- This article discussed absorbing humidification characteristic of paper coated super absorbent resin of guar gum graft acrylic, which was successfully synthesized in our laboratory. 在成功合成瓜尔胶-丙烯酸高吸水树脂的基础上,研究表面涂布该吸水树脂的手抄纸的吸潮特性。
- The techniques and practice of a midwife. 助产学,产科学助产士的技术及工作
- The Mg-Al anionic clay adsorbent LDH was prepared in the Western Research Institute(Laramie,Wyoming,USA),and the adsorption of guar gum(GU)from aqueous solution by LDH was investigated. 利用实验室制备的镁铝阴离子粘土材料,研究了其吸附水中瓜儿胶的动力学和热力学。