- Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council said the law protected public health and they would follow up any reports of the smoking ban being broken. 汤布里奇与莫林区议会表示,禁菸法令是为了保护公众健康,他们也会追踪调查任何违反禁令的报告。
- They based their campaign around the fact that a smoking ban would save thousands of lives in the UK. 他们认为,他们在禁烟法令的基础上进行的活动能够挽救英国数以千计的生命。
- The recession, cheap alcohol at supermakets, and a smoking ban in pubs enacted in 2007 are all to blame. 此次的经济衰退,超市出售的廉价酒,以及于2007年在酒吧实行的禁烟令都是造成酒吧关闭的原因。
- Smokers in France savour their last cigarettes during a grace period before a new smoking ban is enforced. 法国的吸烟者在新的禁烟令实行之前的时间里尽情的享受他们最后的香烟。
- Cigar aficionados who see Cuba as the Mecca of smoking are dumbfounded by a Cuban smoking ban they say has let down the cause for smokers' rights worldwide. 视古巴为吸菸圣地的雪茄迷对于古巴最近下令禁菸感大惑不解,他们认为古巴禁菸已经损害了全球吸菸者的权益。
- A vicar who lit his pipe in a Kent police station as a protest against the smoking ban has failed in his attempt to get himself arrested. 英国一名教区牧师日前在肯特郡一间警察局内点燃菸斗,以抗议英国实施禁菸令,不过却没能成功让他自己被捕。
- Ireland's smoking ban has not just improved the air quality in its famous pubs but has also boosted the quality of music sessions. 爱尔兰的禁菸令不仅改善当地各知名酒馆内的空气品质,也提升音乐集会的素质。
- Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council said the law protected public health and they would follow up any report of smoking ban being broken. 汤布理奇与莫林议会表示,禁烟法令是喂了保护公众健康,他们也会追踪调查任何违反禁令的报告。
- All the repairers said these signs had definitely improved in accordions they had worked on since the introduction of the smoking ban in Ireland. 所有修理师们都说,自从爱尔兰制定禁菸法令以来,他们所经手的手风琴状况确实都好转。
- In the same year, reinstatement of the convene in The Hague, the Netherlands des Nations Conference on behalf of the smoking ban. 同年,复任在荷兰海牙召开的万国禁烟会议代表。
- Accidents in Delaware county in Pennsylvania increased by 26% after the next-door state of Delaware introduced a smoking ban in 2002. 在相邻的特拉华州2002年颁布禁烟令之后,宾夕法尼亚洲的特拉华县所发生的事故数量上升了26%25。
- Iner shi liu nian (1937) Administration of Qinghai Province was reconstituted into the smoking ban Committee Chairmanma bu fang office. 民国二十六年(1937)青海禁烟总局改组为禁烟委员会,马步芳任委员长。
- After a long debate between pro- and anti-smoking campaigners, British MPs voted in favour of a smoking ban in all pubs, clubs and workplaces in England from summer 2007. 在经过了赞成吸烟者和反对吸烟之间的长期争论之后,英国下议院议员投票通过一项有关从2007年夏天开始在英格兰所有的酒吧,俱乐部以及工作场所禁止吸烟的法律。
- The chairman of the Council on Smoking and Health, Homer Tso, says the smoking ban that will come into effect on New Year's day contains some loopholes. 吸烟与健康委员会主席左伟国认为,在一月一日落实禁烟,存在漏洞。
- The law firm representing the small cafe owners has been negotiating with the tobacco industry about the possibility of it bankrolling future lawsuits challenging the smoking ban. 代表小餐馆业主的律师事务所,已经与烟草业就未来挑战吸烟禁令提供资金的可能性进行了商谈。
- Beijing restaurants, bars and Internet cafes have been exempted from a proposed smoking ban at public venues in response to concerns expressed by business owners. 鉴于经营者表现出的忧虑,北京的餐馆、酒吧和网吧不会实施近期提出的公共场所禁烟令。
- Opponents argue that smoking bans cause job losses in restaurants and bars. 反对者辩称禁烟将导致饭店和酒吧业人员的失业。
- There is a ban on smoking in the theatre. 这剧院内禁止吸烟。
- City smoking ban finally hit the fan. Mayor Koch yesterday signed into law what he called "The single most important piece of health legislation" passed by the City Council ? the anti-smoking law. [纽约]市禁烟法终于波及大众。葛市长昨天把他所谓市议会所通过的“独一不二对市民健康最重要的立法”-反吸烟法-签署成为法律。
- The bill, in line with standards of the European Union which Zagreb aspires to join by 2010, envisages a smoking ban in all education, health and social institutions as well as work places. 这项符合萨格勒布市渴望到2010年加入的欧盟标准的法案,设想了一项在所有教育、卫生和社会机构及工作场所禁止吸烟的法令。