- Sobel agorithm 边缘检测
- NIX: Sobel? Just talking about that. 索伯?我们就在说这个。
- SOBEL: Why are you here, Private Gordon? 你来这儿是干什么的,二等兵戈登?
- SOBEL: You're making me look bad, Lt. 你在让我难堪,少尉。
- SOBEL: How far up, how far down? 山有多高,路有多长?
- LIPTON: Sir, without Captain Sobel and 1st platoon? 不等索伯和第一排了吗,长官?
- SOBEL: Goddammit. You, you, you. 该死。你,你,你留下。
- LUZ: Oh, yeah. And what if that paratrooper turns out to be Sobel? 啊,是呀,要是这个伞兵是索伯怎么办?
- SOBEL: I don't believe you. Why are you here, Private Gordon? 我不相信。你为什么来这儿,二等兵戈登?
- Prewitt and Sobel operator is better than Roberts effect. Prewitt 和Sobel算子比 Roberts 效果要好一些。
- SOBEL: We're in the wrong position. We're in the wrong position. 我们的位置不对。我们的位置不对。
- EVANS: Lt. Winters. With Captain Sobel's compliments, sir. (to Nix) Lt. 温特斯中尉,索伯上尉的褒奖信,长官。(对尼克森)中尉。
- Easy Company is standing under the sun, and suddenly, Sobel's appearing. 连正在太阳底下站军姿,突然,索伯出现了。
- The method of Roberts ,Sobel, Krisch and Gauss Laplace are analysed in image edge detection of pests in stored grain. 在此基础上详细分析了roberts算子、Sobel算子、Krisch算子、高斯-拉普拉斯算子在害虫图像边缘检测中的应用。
- Dr. Ben Sobel: Lou the Wrench? Why the Wrench? Paul Vitti: He twisted some guy's head off. 娄老扳?为什么叫老扳?因为他曾经把一个人的头扳了下来。
- EdgeGlow--- Finds edges in the input image using Sobel or Gradient edge detection routines. 边界光晕,?使用Sobel或渐变边界检测的方法找到给出图像的边界。
- WINTERS: Lieutenant Sobel does not hate Easy Company, Private Randleman. He just hates you. 索伯中尉不恨E连,二等兵兰德曼。他只是恨你。
- The image edge was obtained by means of Sobel operator and track-ing bug method were compared. 研究了柑桔图像的平滑和边缘提取方法;比较了利用Sobel算子和跟踪虫(tracking bug)法所得到的柑桔边缘;发现跟踪虫法寻找边界的速度比用Sobel算子快;且不需要进行细化处理.
- Dr. Ben Sobel : I thought you'd appreciate staying here, having a home cooked meal after being in prison. 我本以为出了监狱你会喜欢呆在这;有家有饭.
- And if he don't? Winters scrambles eggs while the rest of us make the big jump with Sobel. 如果他没有呢?那我们就得在温特斯炒鸡蛋时跟着索伯发神经了。