- Social Construction Thought 社会主义建设思想
- They are training themselves for the social construction. 他们正锻炼自己,准备参加社会主义建设。
- The spheroid social construction may want to divide two 歩s. 球形社会的建设可能要分两歩。
- Deng Xiaoping's system construction thought is important constituent of Deng Xiaoping's Theory. 摘要邓小平制度建设思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。
- Deng Xiaoping's socialism new rural construction thought could be regarded as a reference and guidance to our country's now rural construction. 邓小平建设社会主义新农村的思想,为我国当前推进社会主义新农村建设提供指导和借鉴。
- Joyce also, before feminist forerunners, displays that gender is a matter of personal choice and social construction. 早在女权主义先驱者之前,乔伊斯就指出性别是个人选择和社会形成的综合产物。
- Emphasize the ideological theoretical education of cadre, is Mao Zedong notable feature of cadre troops construction thought. 注重干部的思想理论教育,是毛泽东干部队伍建设思想的显著特征。
- As a saving social construction part, the building of a water-saving society is a long-term and great works. 摘要作为节约型社会建设一部分的节水型社会建设,是一项长期而伟大的工程。
- Deng Xiaoping's system construction thought is manifesting throughout to human's concern, congealing to human's full scale development ponder. 邓小平制度建设思想始终体现着对人的关怀,凝结着对人的全面发展问题的思考。
- In the new social construction, Jewry's status was degraded to that of Egyptians. 在这个新结构中,犹太人的地位被降低到埃及人的程度。
- Nancy P Waxler. "Learning to be a leper: A Case Study in the Social Construction of Illness." 169-192. “学作一个麻风病人:疾病社会架构的一个案例研究”,169-192页
- Who supplies another with a constructive thought has enriched him forever. 给别人提供建议性想法的人最终丰富了自己的思想.
- Any social science which does not teach the impossibility of rational social construction is entirely blind to the most important facts of social life. 一种社会科学若没有讲授理性社会构想的不可能性,那就是完全没有看到社会生活中最重要的事实。
- Achieve progress in the social construction of material, political and ideological infrastructures that are of a socialist nature. 实现社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明共同进步。
- This view of biology and physiology as the effects of social construction came into sociology via the sociology of knowledge of Berger and Luckmann. 这种观点视生物因素和生理因素为社会构建的效应,它是由伯杰和卢克曼的知识社会学而带到社会学中来的。
- Norma Ware. "Suffering and the Social Construction of Illness: The Delegitimation of Illness Experience in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." 347-361. 苦难和疾病社会学:慢性疲劳症候群中疾病体验的弱化”,347-361页
- Freedman, J. &Combs, G.. (1999/2001). Narrative therapy: the social construction of preferred realities. New York: Norton. 易之新(译)。叙事治疗----解构并重写生命的故事。台北:张老师文化。
- Social constructionism substitutes essential self with relational self which is a product of social construction instead of reality. 社会建构论以“关系的自我”取代“本质的自我”,认为自我并非行为背后的精神实体,而是人际互动的产物,是一种文化的建构物。
- Alexander Wendt. Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics [J]. International Organization, 46(2, 1992). 您正在看的文学理论论文是:美国反对恐怖主义战争的建构主义分析。
- The hypothesis is that memory is socially constructed. 假说是,记忆社会上被修建。