- Social Solidarity and the Gift 社会团结和礼物
- The bank is between the gift shop and the bookshop. 银行在礼品店和书店之间。
- Social Solidarity and the Enforcement of Morality', University of Chicago Law Review 芝加哥大学法学评论
- And the gift is what you get by givin'more than you receive. 礼物就是你当你付出的要多于收获的。
- Emile Durkhem has attributed the social anomie to three reasons such as the danger of social disorganization,the damage of abnormal social division of labor on social solidarity and the threat on organic solidarity. 涂尔干把社会失范的原因归结为三个方面,即社会解组的危险、反常分工对社会团结的破坏作用和有机团结受到威胁;
- First, the tradition of solidarity and unity. 一是团结统一的传统。
- The right to folk heritage can be derived from the set of rights founded on social solidarity among individuals rather than the relationship between the individual and the State. 享有民间遗产的权利,可以来自于一套以个人之间的社会团结而不是个人与国家之间的关系为依据建立起来的权利。
- Four is for the gift of life, Through the good times and the strife. 四数恩赐,生命冠冕或否或泰,主爱不迁。
- Such institutions embody the value of solidarity and the duty of mutual help, without which a society cannot survive. 这种体系体现了团结的价值观和相互帮助的责任感,没有这些,一个社会是难以存续的。
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- Emile Durkeim's thought of social solidarity and its enlightenment to our country in constructing a harmonious society 迪尔凯姆的社会团结思想对中国构建和谐社会的启示
- Watch all about, warily, and the Goddess may give you the gift of continued life. 谨慎地注意周围的一切,这样女神才可能赏你活下去。
- The youth of Yenan have achieved solidarity and unity. 延安的青年们是团结的,是统一的。
- The gift of the dying: the tragedy of aids and the welfare of future African generations By: Young, Alwyn. 艾滋病悲剧与非洲后代的福利。
- Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out. 有人打开了门,蜡烛随之被吹灭了。
- Law existed to ensure fulfilment of the needs of this social solidarity. 法律的存在有助于社会连带关系需求的实现。
- Teachers' Day is a roaching and the gift I wa a give to you is just my best wishes. 教师是园丁,是路标,是摆渡人,是我们事业前进道路上追求的一串串深深的脚印。
- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。