- The results found: Firstly, the environment impact was the most profoundly factor than the economy and social cultural impacts in the perception towards the impacts of tourism redevelopment. 在观光再发展态度方面,显示居民在感受方面对于正面影响感受程度较负面影响感受明显。
- social cultural impact 社会文化影响
- The Anti-Japanese War left us a precious social cultural inheritance. 摘要抗日战争为我们留下了一笔珍贵的精神文化遗产。
- The social cultural sign defines women's beauty in distinct definitions indeed. 社会文明的体征,对于各类女性美的界定,东西方确实存在不同定义。
- The Delegation made some observations on proposal 31, which requested WIPO to undertake studies to demonstrate the economic, social and cultural impact of the IP system in Member States. 该代表团就提案31发表了意见,其中要求WIPO开展研究,以便说明知识产权制度对于成员国的经济、社会和文化产生的影响。
- Why do many people believe that World War I had such an incredible cultural impact, compared with previous wars? 和之前的战争比较,为什么许多人认为第一次世界大战有着如此巨大的文化影响?
- So we can feel the great national and cultural impact in Bian Cheng and the Wuthering Heights. 而英国文化中的情话对白多采用言语性直接引语的形式,体现的是对父权制话语的解构和女性反抗意识的萌芽。
- Ceremony is one kind of important social cultural phenomena, also is a key research field for the Cultural Anthropology. 摘要仪式是一种重要的社会文化现象,也是文化人类学的重点研究领域。
- The political renovation brings the social culture re-adjustment. 二、政治的革新带动整个社会文化的调整。
- Mei Zhou as world's Hakka city which is the womb has advantaged social cultural vantage. 摘要梅州市作为世界客都,是世界客家人的发源地,具有得天独厚的社会文化优势。
- Pulin Industrial Park is situated in such a picturesque natural scenery and profound social cultural environment. 普林工业园就座落在这一片美丽如画的自然环境和深厚凝重的人文环境之中。
- No doubt the cultural impact of the Internet epoch plays an important role in fostering integration with the global economy and ushering in the epoch of knowledge economy. 网络时代的文化碰撞对促进全球经济一体化的进程,加快知识经济时代的到来,无疑起了推波助澜的作用。
- Their influences on college students include social trustworthiness, stimulation function, political identification, social cultural psychology, etc. 他们对大学生的影响包括社会公信力、激励作用、政治认同、社会文化心理等。
- Social and cultural impact of tourism 旅游的社会文化影响
- The ending part summarizes the achievement and limitation of NNN's rupture action in social cultural ethic and literary esthetics meaning. 结语部分力图从社会文化伦理和文学审美本体两方面总结90年代新小说“断裂”行为的成就与不足。
- Change of social culture is directly and quickly reflected in the vocabulary. 社会文化的变迁,直接、快速地在词汇中得到反映。
- Modernity is both the reflection of modern social cultural spirit and the summarization of anti-traditional values and social structure features. 摘要现代性是对现代社会文化精神的观照,也是对与传统相对立的价值观念、社会结构特征的概括。
- Youngster's idolatry is not only the psychological problem but also a social cultural phenomenon,which has positive and negative effect. 青少年偶像崇拜是心理学问题,也是一种社会文化现象,它具有正面和负面双向性特点,但在现实中负向效应很大。
- In every period of several or even have a cultural impact to the Australian culture, but also affects Australian English. 在每个时期都有一种甚至几种文化影响着澳大利亚的文化,同时也影响着澳大利亚英语。
- The launch of Gymboree Asian Music Programme will certainly bring a massive Chinese cultural impact to over 600 Gymboree centers from nearly 40 countries and regions.Just try to image! 随着金宝贝亚洲音乐课程的隆重上市,浓郁的中国风将席卷金宝贝全球近40个国家和地区的600多家早教中心。