- China Law Society Social Law Studies Institute. 是中国法学会直属的从事社会法学研究的全国性学术团体。
- Transgression of a moral or social law, code, or duty. 违犯道德或社会法规;规范或职责
- To the naturalists the novel is a demonstration of social law. 社会法则的显示与说明。
- Transgression of a moral or social law,code,or duty. 违反违反或打破道德或社会规范;
- They should meet as friends, as fellow-sufferers, as innocent but philosophic victims of a great social law. 两人以后见面时就象朋友一样,象两个同病相怜的受苦人,象不可抗拒的社会法则打击之下两个无辜而胸襟开阔的的受害者。
- However, there are still many debates on basic theoretical issues in the field of social law. 然而,诸多的社会法基本理论问题在学界依然存在很大争论。
- That must process together with Socialism economy construction and Socialism Politics construction and Socialism law construction and Socialism Communist Party construction . 它必须与社会主义经济建设,政治建设,法制建设,党的建设,精神文明建设同步进行,协调发展;
- The civil case in court is more and more widespread in present and social law livingly. 摘要民事诉讼在现今社会法律生活中越来越普遍。
- Seen from the attribute,origin and development of social law,health law should be classified into social law. 从社会法的属性及其起源和发展历程来看,卫生法应属于社会法的范畴;
- The first nine commandments concern theological principles and social law: Thou shalt not make graven images, steal, kill, et cetera. 前九戒关注的是神学原则和社会法则:不着华曼、不偷盗、不杀生等。
- The limits of company commitment.Popularly, the limits of company commitment limits by social law, morality or contract. 一般地,企业承诺的范围由社会法律、道德或合同界定的。
- It's very easy to notice the difference between natural law and social law for people, but often ignore or oblivion the homology of them. 摘要对于社会规律与自然规律,人们很容易注意到它们的差异性,可是往往忽视甚至遗忘二者之间的共通性。
- Human being's willings can't compete with objective natural and social laws. 人的意志力再强大也必须依据客观规律行事。
- Liberalism differs from anarchism in that it deems it necessary to have rules and regulations for the sake of peace and cooperation and retain violence against any potential threat to social law and order. 自由主义与无政府主义不同;它强调为了保障和平与合作;必须制定人们共同遵守的规则;保留暴力和威慑手段;以保障社会秩序; 自由主义反对“国家主义”;国家.
- The seminar will give participants the opportunity to meet professional experts in the fields of social law, taxation, immigration, accounting, insurance and corporate real estate, during private meetings. 本次座谈会还为与会者同社会法、税收制度、移民、财务、保险和公司不动产等领域专家和业内人士提供单独会谈的机会。
- And the legalization of the intervention policies will fulfill the innovation of economic law institutions, the essence being the innovation of economic law oriented towards public interests and of social law nature. 而干预政策的法律化将实现经济法制的创新,其实质是以社会公共利益为本位、具有社会法性质的经济法的创新。
- Especially in the contradiction between nature and present people, we ought to hold the coherence of social law and natural law among the interrelation of nature, society and human. 特别是在当代人与自然紧张的矛盾冲突中,我们更应该在自然、社会与人的相互关联中把握自然规律与社会规律的内在一致性。
- Historicism asserts that the historical relativity of social laws makes most of the methods of physics inapplicable to sociology. 历史决定论断言,由于社会规律具有历史相对性,因而大多数的物理学方法不能应用于社会学。
- Who is the founder of the scientific socialism? 谁是科学社会主义的奠基人?
- In all social laws and social relations, the basic law of development of human society is undoubtedly the one that works at the deepest level and in the widest range. 在所有各种社会规律和社会关系中,人类社会发展的基本规律无疑是在最深层次和最大范围起作用的规律。