- Plants under the seal serf society system in earth SiZhinei, the corresponding cultural decline is the inevitable fate. 就是说,无论弱势文化中的个体生命多么辉煌,但只要他所依附的社会体系已朽坏,在历史潮流冲击下,也逃脱不掉如微尘般迸散落下的命运。
- Because of the society system, this is a abjective reason.I have to admit.Up to now, I was a loser. 在机关和学校工作过,在企业当过厂长,做过私营企业主,做过保险推销员。
- Prevents the Xinjiang university student crime work is a complex society system engineering, also is a long-term arduous duty. 预防新疆大学生犯罪工作是一项复杂的社会系统工程,也是一项长期的艰巨任务。
- Being a kind of theory that regards socal concordance as its ultimate goal, society system theory is "concord philosophy" itself. 摘要作为一种以社会和谐为追求目标的学说,社会系统论本身就是“和谐社会”,更是社会主义和谐社会的理论基础。
- We may know society system, army system, and political system in Turfan.And we may know plenty of information of Dang Dynasty. 通过对吐鲁番出土给粮帐的研究和分析,有助于我们了解唐代给粮制度及其发展变化。
- To evaluate the society system scientifically and make the assessment method accord with fact, it is necessary to ameliorate the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. 摘要为了科学地定量评价社会系统,并使评价方法更符合实际,有必要对层次分析法进行改进。
- Modern logistics is a quite complicated society systems engineering,its function needs an adaptive logistics information management system. 现代物流是一个相当复杂的社会大系统工程,其良性运作需要一个与之相适应的物流信息管理系统。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The reality of justice in internal generation at least needs the guarantee and consolidation of state systems and international society systems. 代内公平的实现至少需要国家内部的和国家之间的两个层次的社会体制来保证和强化。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。
- She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款给一个动物保护协会。
- The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds. 那会计盗用了协会的基金。
- I think we have to revitalize our society. 我觉得我们的社会需要新生。
- Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. 恶化,败坏系统或社会不可避免的无法逆转的恶化或败坏
- He is no longer within the pale of noble society. 他不再是贵族社会的一员了。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- In the old society we never knew real security. 在旧社会我们的生活从来没有真正的保障。
- Building society is warning of mortgage rationing. 住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款。
- We subscribe to an animal protection society. 我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。
- The Pope has no temporal power in modern society. 教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。