- Society is hopelessly snobbish. 世界上的人没有不势利眼的。
- Society is hopelessly snobbish 世界上的人没有不势利眼的。
- Since this society is hopelessly bad, let's smash it and build something better on the ruins. 既然这个社会已经无可救药,那么,让我们砸烂它,在废墟上建起一个更美好的世界吧!
- His work is hopeless, and so is he. 他的工作实在不行,他这人也不行。
- Building society is warning of mortgage rationing. 住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款。
- If I may speak my mind, I think the plan is hopeless. 坦率地说,我看这个计划没有什么希望。
- The husbandmen's life in old society is poor. 在旧社会老百姓的生活是贫苦的
- She is hopelessly old, and I'm hopelessly youg... 没有你,如此的良辰美景我将向何人诉说?
- Our cat is hopeless at catching mice. 我们的猫绝对捉不到老鼠。
- The constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple. 原始社会的结构并不一定就是简单的。
- Discussion on that basis is hopeless. 那样讨论是没用的。
- His singing is hopeless and he can't act either. 他唱歌不行,表演也不行。
- The self-style decadent insists on lying down in the belief that he is hopelessly paralyzed. 那自称为颓废派者,由于深信自己已毫无希望地全身麻痹而坚持要躺下来。
- Society is not divided along religious lines. 社会并不按宗教系统划分。
- Building society is warning of mortgage rationing . 住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款。
- The progress of the society is based on harmony. 社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。
- No product of human society is perfect. 人类社会的产品没有一样是十全十美的。
- If I may speak my mind,I think the plan is hopeless. 坦率地说,我看这个计划没有什么希望。
- The society is as dead as the dodo. 社交界一片死气沉沉。
- He is hopeless at french, but his teacher persevere with him. 他怎麽也学不会法语, 可是老师仍锲而不舍地帮助他。