- Soil and Resources of China 中国土壤与土壤资源
- CASS and CLC have pasted the test of Ministry of Land and Resources of China. 地形地籍成图与建库软件(CASS)和地籍信息系统(CLC)等更已顺利通过国土资源部测评。
- General situation of pomegranate germplasm and resources of China 我国石榴种质资源概况
- Do you know the actuality of water resource of China? 你知道中国的水资源状况吗?
- By pooling our talents and resources we can make space a new frontier of peace. 如果我们把才能和资源汇合起来,就能把太空这个尚未开拓的疆域变成一个新的和平疆域。
- The job called for all my resources of energy and patience. 这项工作需要我拿出自己的全部精力和耐性。
- He took up a handful of spongy soil and smelled it. 他抓起一把松软的泥土嗅着。
- China supports convening a high-level UN conference on the MDGs next year and hopes that this will help mobilize the political wills and resources of all sides for the MDGs. 中方对明年召开联合国千年发展目标高级别会议的倡议持积极态度,希望有关会议有利于动员各方政治意愿与资源。
- Species, Geography Distribution and Resource of Chondrichthian Fishes of China 中国软骨鱼类种类、地理分布及资源
- The ARA will be the leading source and resource of rental industry information. ARA 将成为租赁行业公认的领导具有重要的发言权。
- Law of soil and water conservation. 国家制定颁布的水土保持法令。
- Do you trust the assemblies and resources of the package completely? 是否完全信任该软件包中的程序集和资源?
- Ground is an area of soil and earth. 指土壤和土地的一个区域。
- For this part of China, especially the western areas, the most outstanding advantage lies in rich land and resources, promising huge potentials for development. 而在我国中西部地区,特别是西部地区,最为突出的优势就是国土资源十分丰富,开发潜力较大。
- Source:Ministry of Land and Resources. 资料来源:国土资源部。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- For this part of China,especially the western areas,the most outstanding advantage lies in rich land and resources,promising huge potentials for development. 而在我国中西部地区,特别是西部地区,最为突出的优势就是国土资源十分丰富,开发潜力较大。
- Both of them use up energy and resources. 这是两件消耗资源的事情。
- It has rich resources of china clay and kaolin, and imperial chinaware was produced there early in the Song Dynasty. 这里的瓷土、高岭土土矿藏丰富,自宋代开始烧制御器。
- Lack of social support and resources. 缺乏社会支援及资源。