- Wave motion response of tunnel lining embedded in unbounded nonuniform soil medium is studied. 摘要研究了不均匀岩土介质中隧洞衬砌的波动响应。
- The paper introduces seven factor of DRASTIC model: Depth of water table、Net recharge、Aquifer media、Soil media、Topography、Impact of Vadose Zone and Hydraulic Conductivity. 介绍了DRASTIC模型的七个评价因子:地下水埋深、含水层净补给量、含水层介质类型、土壤类型、地形坡度、包气带介质I的影响和含水层的导水系数。
- Garden soil medium was testified to have shorter germination time and higher germination rate, but the formation of sporophyte on soil was obviously later than those on MS culture media. 以菜园土为培养基质时,变异鳞毛蕨孢子的萌发时间短且萌发率高,但幼孢子体出现的时间明显晚于无菌培养。
- Coral sand is a particular kind of rock and soil medium which is composed of as high as 96% CaCO3 and has special engineering properties due to its components and sedimentary environment. 珊瑚砂是发育于热带海洋环境中的一种特殊的岩土介质类型,主要由珊瑚碎屑和其他海洋生物碎屑组成,碳酸钙含量高达96%25。
- Due to the complexity and variety the rock and soil mediums,it is difficult to determine the anchoring force. 柔性注压锚杆是一种新型全长锚固锚杆,在岩土介质中受力的复杂性、多变性,使得确定其锚固力较为困难。
- By use of the instrument,corrodent rate of metal under the soil mediums both on the spot and in the laboratory separately is measured. 应用该仪器于现场和实验室监测了土壤介质中的不同金属的腐蚀速度。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Dynamic analysis of Gibson soil medium on bedrock under moving load 移动荷载下下卧基岩Gibson地基的动力响应
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?
- Experimental Study on Cs and Sr Transport in Soil Medium 放射性Cs,Sr在土壤中迁移的研究
- There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多蠕虫。
- Water has permeated (through) the soil. 水已渗遍那片土壤。
- There are some clods of soil on the mat. 垫子上有些土块。
- The earth in the garden is good, soft soil. 花园里的泥土松软肥沃。
- This kind of soil contains much alkali. 这种土壤含碱丰富。
- She makes her living from the soil. 她以务农为生。
- Grass will not succeeded in this dry soil. 在这种干燥土壤中草不会成活。
- The soil absorbs only a fraction of the rain that beats down. 土壤只吸收猛打到地面上的雨水的一部分。
- The soil becomes more and more acidic as pollution mounts up. 随着污染的加剧,土壤的酸化越来越严重。