- Solid Trough Shelln. 坚固马珂蛤(马珂蛤超科;马珂蛤科)
- Some horses were drinking at a trough. 有些马在水糟边饮水。
- For years he has been smuggling watches trough customs. 许多年来,他一直在非法走私手表。
- Keep down of you'll be hit by shell fragments. 别起来,否则你会被弹片击中的。
- The snail retreated into its shell. 蜗牛缩进壳里去了。
- A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall above his head. 在他头上方的墙壁上嵌有一块小小的贝壳片。
- The building was burned to a shell. 大楼被烧得只剩下空骨架。
- The despair left him a mere shell of a man. 他陷入绝望,形同躯壳。
- She crumbled an empty snail shell in her fingers. 她用手指捏碎了一个空蜗牛壳。
- Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. 乾酪是固体,奶是液体。
- A snail's shell is spiral in form. 蜗牛壳是螺旋形的。
- Keep down or you'll be hit by shell fragments. 别起来,否则你会被弹片击中的。
- Solid fuel motors are coming into use. 固体燃料马达即将开始使用。
- The building was destroyed by an artillery shell. 这座建筑物被炮弹炸毁了。
- The country was solid for peace. 全国上下都希望和平。
- Water becomes solid when it freezes. 水结冰时便变成固体。
- The miners were solid on this issue. 矿工们在这件事上是一条心的。
- Matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. 物体存在的形态有固体,液体,气体。
- Rayed Trough Shelln. 射线马珂蛤(马珂蛤超科;马珂蛤科)
- There was a solid vote in favour of the proposal. 提案获全体一致通过。