- southern Fujian dialect 闽南方言
- I speak Fujian dialect, English and Malay. 我可以讲福建话、英语和马来语。
- The Fujian dialect is distinct, neither Cantonese nor Mandarin. 闽方言独具特色,既不是广东话,也不是普通话。
- The Fujian dialect is spoken also by the majority on Taiwan. 台湾的大多数人也讲闽方言。
- The southern Fujian delta region refers to the Xiamen Special Economic Zone, Quanzhou, and Zhangzhou. 闽南三角区是指厦门经济特区、泉州市、漳州市。
- Analysis on the effect of establishment and inter-species relationship adjustment of mixed stands in southern Fujian. 闽南混交林营造及种间关系调整效果分析。
- This paper makes a study of its various alleged origins and relevent stuff in South Fujian dialect and concludes that the iron coin minting in Fujian is most probably its origin. 文中分析关于"老板"身世的几种不同观点,并根据笔者在闽南方言中发现的语言材料进行佐证,认为"闽铸铁钱说"较为可信。
- The managing pattern of family enterprise contributes to the rapid acumulation of capital for many family enterprises in southern Fujian province. 家族式管理对闽南家族企业快速完成资本积累和发展起了积极的作用。
- The Ministry of operations for the Packaging Machinery / packaging materials manufacturer in southern Fujian direct shops, complete product range, quality of service expertise. 本经营部为包装机械/包装材料生产厂家在闽南直接门市部,产品种类齐全,服务质量专精。
- Distribution 分布 : Southern Fujian , Hong Kong , Hainan , Guangxi ,Yunnan and SE Xizang ; Nepal , Sikkim , India , Myanmar , Vietnam , Laos and Thailand. 福建南部;香港;海南;广西;云南和西藏东南部;尼泊尔;锡金;印度;缅甸;越南;老挝和泰国.
- The root of "qianshui" has been read as [mi], [mei], [m(?) ] and so on in the southwestern official language of north dialect, the official language in Jiangsu area, Guangdong dialect, Fujian dialect, Hunan dialect, Jiangxi dialect and some of Hakka. 北方方言中的西南官话和江淮官话、粤方言、闽方言、湘方言、赣方言以及客家方言部分方言点,把"潜水"的词根读成"[mi(?) ]"、"[mei(?)
- The suggestion of building the flower corridor of southern Fujian into a demonstration model of new varieties and techniques in horticultural cooperation between Taiwan and Zhangzhou was put forward. 建议利用漳州优势,把闽南花卉走廊建成漳台园艺合作的新品种、新技术示范中心。
- In southern Fujian, the Hakka settled in the mountains and created insular homesteads like the covered-wagon circles of America’s pioneers, with rooms facing an open-air common space. 客家人逐渐在福建南部的山区里定居,同时建造了一个个保守孤立的家园,就像美国拓荒者居住的、围成一圈的有盖面包马车一样,房间的方向都是朝着中间的开阔空地的。
- Sentence-initial Mood Words in South Fujian Dialect 闽南方言的句首语气词
- Compare different degrees between Shibei dialect and Jian"ou dialect.Make clear the situation of similar and different vocabularies in the whole country, Fujian dialects and North of Fujian dialects. 通过石陂话与建瓯话的各个层次的比较,搞清楚二者在全国范围内的、闽语区范围内的、闽北方言区范围内异同词的情况;
- Catching Kuomintang Spys in Southern Fujian in 我在闽南抓捕潜伏大陆的国民党特务
- overseas remittance of southern Fujian 闽南侨批
- Folk Religion in Southern Fujian 闽南民间信仰
- South Fujian Dialect becomes part of primary school curriculum 闽南语首度进入小学课程
- Official Dacuo in southern Fujian Province 闽南官式大厝