- wintertime southern branch trough in the subtropical westerlies 南支槽
- Southern branch trough 南支槽
- The chiefs of northern Leinster had little affection for his southern branch of the royal race. 北方伦斯特的首领们对于他们南方同宗王族并无多少感情。
- I'm thinking of sending someone down to our southern branch to spy the land out. 我在考虑派人到南方的分公司去看看那里的情况。
- The road followed the capricious windings of the southern branch of the Platte Fiver, on its left bank. 火车沿着普拉特河左岸,顺着普拉特河南部支流千变万化的弯曲河岸前进。
- The Director of the NPM wants to keep its wares in Taipei and position the Southern Branch as an ‘Asian’ museum. 故宫周功鑫院长表示:故宫南院定位为"亚洲博物馆",并主张故宫文物不得分割。您赞成吗 ?
- The southern branch of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone is obliquely connected with the Shiquanhe zone in the north. 确认班-怒带的南支向北与狮泉河带斜接。
- They entered Nebraska at eleven, passed near Sedgwick, and touched at Julesburg, on the southern branch of the Platte River. 十一时,火车进入内布拉斯加州,经过塞奇威克就到了位于普拉特河南支流的居尔斯甫。
- Azeri is a Turkic language, belonging to the southern branch of the Altaic language family (therefore non Indo-European). 阿塞拜疆语属于突厥语族,是阿尔泰语系(非印欧语系)的突厥南部语言的分支。
- Abstract:This paper reports the U-series dating results of calcites and mammalian fossils from Southern Branch Cave of Maba hominid site. 报导马坝人地点南支洞次生碳酸盐岩和骨化石样的铀系年代。
- This paper reports the U-series dating results of calcites and mammalian fossils from Southern Branch Cave of Maba hominid site. 报道马坝人地点南支洞次生碳酸盐岩和骨化石样的铀系年代。
- The dominant species in the southern branch belonged to Cypriniformes, while those in the northern branch and the estuarine mouth both belonged to Perciformes. 长江南支、北支和口门区水域的种类组成存在一定的差异, 南支常见种以鲤形目鱼类为主, 而北支和口门区以鲈形目鱼类为主。
- Southern Branch mainlyji nian ting martyrs, martyrs Memorial Bridge construction, in the symmetricmu qu things buried in the more than 200 revolutionary martyr. 南院主要有烈士纪念亭、烈士纪念桥等建筑,在对称的东西墓区里安葬着200多名革命烈士。
- For the convenience of college freshmen report today, the Southern branch in Guiyang, Guizhou Province to Beijing, Shanghai, Zhuhai and other routes, the reserved student tickets for about 3 fold. 为方便大学新生报到,即日起,南航贵州分公司在贵阳至北京、上海、珠海等多条航线上,预留了3折左右学生票。
- Learn from the Southern branch in Heilongjiang, in view of low flow in the fourth quarter, the company will carry out the domestic leg ahead of 133 low-cost sales, discount fares as low as 2-4. 从南航黑龙江分公司了解,针对第四季度客流淡季,该公司将针对国内133个航段进行提前低价销售,票价低至2-4折。
- Tectonically, there exist the northern and southern branches of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone in these Sheets. 构造方面,发现雅鲁藏布江结合带南北支在图区的存在;
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- water resources of the southern branch 南支水资源
- The company has branch out into car leasing. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。