- The present paper has been written her norphological structure of larynx of an adul female southern elephant seal. 对一头雌性南象海豹的喉做了解剖和测量。
- Their resulting decline in genetic variation can be deduced by comparing it to that of the southern elephant seal which were not so aggressively hunted. 将北象海豹与没有受到如此猛烈追捕的南海象豹作一个比较,可以推断出北象海豹因此而减少的遗传变异。
- Southern elephant seal 南象海豹
- "Either of the two largest pinniped species: the northern elephant seal, of coastal islands off California and Baja California, or the southern elephant seal, of sub-Antarctic regions." 鳍脚亚目海豹科两种最大的鳍脚类水生哺乳动物的统称,即:北方小吻象海豹,主要栖于加州和墨西哥下加利福尼亚的沿海岛屿;南方象海豹,栖于整个南极附近地区。
- An elephant seal mother and pup nuzzle to learn each other's smell. 一对海象母子鼻触相依着抚摩彼此以熟悉对方气味。
- Outside looking in, a lone male elephant seal lurks at the edge of a harem. 在外面查看有一只孤单的雄性象海豹潜伏在闺房的边缘。
- Earless species include the elephant seal, harbor seal, harp seal, and leopard seal. 无耳品种包括象海豹、斑海豹、格陵兰海豹和豹形海豹。
- Elephant Seal Near ShoreOutside looking in, a lone male elephant seal lurks at the edge of a harem. 一头雄性象海豹独自伏在女眷群旁边,向里张望着。
- Today the Dragon Kingdom is related unto the koto dragon, gecko, lizard, walrus, elephant seal, hippopotamus and elephant upon the physical plane. 今天的龙王国,是和物质层上的蜻蜓、壁虎、蜥蜴、海象、象海豹、河马和大象这些动物有关的。
- Fattened and then abandoned by mothers who leave to mate anew, weaned elephant seal pups stick close together until ready for a first season at sea. 海象妈妈把小海象微肥后就抛弃了它去再次交配,被迫断奶的海象相互靠在一起知道它们准备好第一次独立的海洋生活。
- Froggy: He's not ready!Next you're gonna tell me you don't remember what *happened* that one time, when I let you talk me into poking the key into the Four Elephant seal! 青蛙:还早,以前有次因为你的纵容,稍微传给了那个小鬼四象封印的是谁,忘记可不应该啊?
- Penguins and elephant seals show most sensitivity to blue light. 企鹅和海象对蓝光非常敏感。
- Until recently,the only large mammal known to produce seismic signals was the elephant seal,a species whose notoriously aggressive bulls slug it out on beaches around the world for possession of harems of females. 直到最近,人们所知的能够发出地震信号的大型哺乳类动物只有海象。其极富攻击性的雄性在全世界的海滩上为了争夺妻妾而相互争斗的特性是广为人知的。
- Until recently, the only large mammal known to produce seismic signals was the elephant seal,a species whose notoriously aggressive bulls slug it out on beaches around the world for possession of harems of females. 直到最近,人们所知的能够发出地震信号的大型哺乳类动物只有海象。 其极富攻击性的雄性在全世界的海滩上为了争夺妻妾而相互争斗的特性是广为人知的。
- Using a piece of vegetation as a makeshift pillow, a pair of elephant seals cuddle on the beach. 一对象海豹用一丛植物当作临时枕头,相拥而眠。
- Sure they might look cuddly at the zoo, but in the wild they eat elephant seals for breakfast. 没错,动物园的北极熊看上去非常可爱,但是在野外,海象可是他们的早餐哦。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。
- The putty gives a good seal round the window. 窗户四周泥的油灰密封效果很好。
- Our foil packets seal the flavour in. 我们用锡纸包装以保持原味。