- Southwest Pacific Command 西南太平洋司令部
- The capital of Tonga in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Population,21,745. 努库阿洛法位于太平洋西南部的汤加的首都。人口21,745
- The capital of Tonga in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Population, 21, 745. 努库阿洛法位于太平洋西南部的汤加的首都。人口21,745
- The capital of Tonga in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Population,21, 745. 努库阿洛法位于太平洋西南部的汤加的首都。人口21,745
- The capital of Vanuatu, on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. 维拉瓦努阿图首都,在西南太平洋埃法特岛上。
- The capital of Vanuatu, on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was a Japanese base during World War II. Population,13, 067. 维拉瓦努阿图首都,在西南太平洋埃法特岛上。在第二次世界大战中是日本的军事基地。人口13,067
- The President is on his way home to Washington via Hawaii. He and the First Lady had dinner with the head of US Pacific Command last night. 布什总统转道夏威夷回国,昨晚,他和第一夫人与美国太平洋司令部的司令官共进晚餐。
- Location: New Caledonia is situated in the Southwest Pacific, lying south and slightly weet of Vanuatu. 地理位置:位于南太平洋,地处瓦努阿图西南;
- A Pacific Command spokesman declined to comment on the incident, saying details were classified. Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment. 太平洋舰队发言人拒绝对此事发表评论,声称细节保密。五角大楼也对此事无可奉告。
- Fiji: An island country of the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising about 320 islands. 斐济:太平洋西南部的一个岛国,由大约320个小岛组成。
- Fondren worked at the Pentagon, holding top secret clearance as the deputy director of the Washington liaison office for U.S. Pacific Command. 丰德伦供职于五角大厦,做为美国太平洋司令部华盛顿联络处的副主任,他可以接触到高级机密。
- Samoa (SAMOA) is located in the southwest Pacific from Sydney, Australia, about 2700 miles. 萨摩亚群岛(SAMOA)地处中太平洋西南部,距离澳洲悉尼约2,700哩。
- Admiral Timothy Keating, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, met Chinese Foreign Ministry Yang Jiechi behind closed doors. 美军太平洋战区负责人、海军上将蒂莫西.基廷和中国外交部长杨洁篪举行了闭门的会晤。
- Villa,the capital of Vanuatu,on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was a Japanese base during World War II. Population,13,067. 维拉,瓦努阿图首都,在西南太平洋埃法特岛上。在第二次世界大战中是日本的军事基地。人口13,067。
- Admiral Timothy Keating of the United States Pacific Command said it could encourage renewed dialogue between the American and Chinese armies. 美国太平洋舰队司令,海军上将基廷表示此举将对恢复中美之间的军方对话产生促进作用。
- A volcanic island of Papua New Guinea in the Solomon Islands of the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was discovered by Louis de Bougainville in 1768. 布加因维尔巴布亚新几内亚的一个火山岛,位于太平洋西南部的所罗门群岛中。1768年由路易斯·德·布加因维尔发现。
- A volcanic island of Papua New Guinea in the Solomon Islands of the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was discovered by Louis de Bougainville in1768. 布加因维尔巴布亚新几内亚的一个火山岛,位于太平洋西南部的所罗门群岛中。1768年由路易斯·德·布加因维尔发现
- The U.S. military has a system under which each region of the world is overseen by a specific command, such as the Pacific Command, Central Command and so on. 美国军方现有的对世界各个地区的监察系统是在一个特殊司令部(体系)管辖之下,比如太平洋司令部,中央司令部等等。
- The capital of Vanuatu, on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was a Japanese base during World War II. Population, 3,0'7. 维拉:瓦努阿图首都,在西南太平洋埃法特岛上。在第二次世界大战中是日本的军事基地。人口3,0'7
- Disc II: Japanese capture Mandalay - Allies split Pacific Command - Carriers come of age - War departments new home - Lies, Damned Lies &Statistics - U.S. 从希特勒煽情的演讲,到炸弹在空中坠落,从战场上的血与火,到垂死士兵眼眸中对生的渴望,亲历历史的摄像师们用胶片忠实地记录下了这一切。