- Southwest and Central Asia 西南亚和中亚
- Steppe: Level, grassy treeless plain, esp in SE Europe and central Asia. 生态脆弱的大草原因为降雨太少,原生植被就是各种草。
- The fermented milk of a mare or camel, used as a beverage by certain peoples of western and central Asia. 马奶酒母马或骆驼的发酵奶,被西亚和中亚的某些民族用作一种饮料
- China's military contacts with countries in Southeast,South and Central Asia have maintained their momentum. 中国同东南亚、南亚及中亚地区国家的军事交往保持了发展势头。
- A new United Nations report says the AIDS virus is spreading across Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 联合国一项新的研究报告称,艾滋病病毒正在东欧和中亚地区蔓延。
- Except for the three Baltic nations, the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Moldova and Central Asia) is not on the path to integration with the West. 除波罗的海三个国家外,前苏联(俄罗斯、乌克兰、白俄罗斯、高加索、摩多瓦和中亚)并没有走上同西方一体化的道路。
- This way China has rapidly acquired interests and influence across swathes of South-East Asia, Africa and Central Asia. 通过这种方式,中国已经从一系列东南亚、非洲和中亚国家身上得到好处并开始施展影响力。
- These funds are ripe for recycling overseas, says Mohsin Khan, IMF Middle East and Central Asia department director. IMF中东暨中亚部门主任莫辛汗表示,现在这些资金流回海外的时机已经成熟。
- Nang originated from ancient Persia, popular in the Arabian Peninsular, Turk, and Central Asia. 馕最初源于古波斯,流行在阿拉伯半岛、土耳其、中亚细亚各国。
- ABB is a leading supplier of district heating systems with more than 200 installations worldwide, many of which are in China and central Asia. ABB是区域供暖系统的领先供应商,全球安装了超过200个系统,其中许多都是在中国和中亚地区。
- Economic growth in the Middle East and Central Asia is expected to remain at the same level this year as the oil-driven surge continues. 由于石油将继续推动经济增长,预计中东和中亚地区今年的经济增速将与去年持平。
- Underpinning the rise were increasing government action against foreign investors in Latin America and central Asia and credit risks in Eastern Europe. 导致这一风险指数上升的主要因素是,拉美和中亚国家的反外资行动日益增加,以及东欧的信贷风险不断上升。
- But despite the expected dip in surpluses this year, the cumulative current account surplus for the Middle East and Central Asia region remains high. 然而,尽管中东和中亚地区的经常账户盈余预计将回落,但该地区的经常账户累计盈余仍处于高位。
- Outside the ramparts, a snakelike convoy of brightly coloured lorries waits to unload fuel hauled from Pakistan and Central Asia. 在防御墙外,色彩明亮的卡车车队排成了一条长蛇,等待着卸下从巴基斯坦和中亚运来的燃料。
- It also serves the darker business of bringing sex workers westwards from the ex-Soviet republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia. 另外,它也是运送性奴自前苏联联邦的高加索地区以及中亚地区西行的中转站。
- By contrast, the southwest and west coasts are wild and remote. 相比之下,西南和西部沿海则十分荒蛮偏远。
- The completion of the Caspian BTC oil pipeline has changed profoundly the geo-politics and geo-economy in the Caspian and Central Asia regions. 自里海石油管道BTC建成后,此条石油运输管道改变了里海、中亚地区的地缘政治、经济。
- This was a harbor in Crete, facing both southwest and northwest. 非尼基是革哩底的一个海口,一面朝东北,一面朝东南。
- Progress made in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation-Horgos in Xinjiang is becoming a bridgehead for trade between China and Central Asia. 中亚区域经济合作取得进展,新疆霍尔果斯成为中国面向中亚的贸易桥头堡。
- A landlocked country of southwest - central Asia. 阿富汗位于亚洲中部偏西南的内陆国家。