- Curzon Line: Demarcation line Between Poland and Soviet Russia. 寇松线:波兰和苏俄之间的边界线。
- Curzon Line: Demarcation line between Poland and Soviet Russia. 寇松线:波兰和苏俄之间的边界线。
- Curzon Line: Demarcation line between Poland and Soviet russia. 寇松线:波兰和苏俄之间的边界线。
- Naturally, this act had to get a strong support from Soviet Russia. 当然,这个行动必须得到苏俄的大力支持。
- Curzon Line: Demarcation line between Poland and Soviet Russia . 寇松线:波兰和苏俄之间的边界线。
- Soviet Russia was a grim place, haunted by cold, famine, hunger, and death. 苏联成了一个严酷的地方,饱受寒冷、饥荒、饥饿和死亡的折磨。
- Only when the New Economic Policy was implemented did Soviet Russia begin to recover. 新经济政策实施后,苏俄才复苏过来。
- NARRATOR: In Soviet Russia, it seemed as if von Mises's predictions were coming true. 旁白:在苏联,VonMises的预言看起来好像应验了。
- The second was the claim that Soviet Russia would surpass the United States in industrial output Din short, "bury"us in the competitive struggle. 第二根刺则是苏俄将在工业总产值上超越美国,简而言之,在竞争中“埋葬”我们。
- Not intact,the blade is OK but unedged.The grip in Soviet Russia period has gold gilding carved flowers and hook and ax. 不完整,条子还行还未开过刃,苏联时期的刀柄有鎏金的刻花和镰刀斧头,
- Since the emission of the first artificial satellite by Soviet Russia in 1957, satellite communication technology has taken quite great development. 自从1957年前苏联发射的第一颗人造地球卫星诞生以来,卫星通信技术取得了长足的发展。
- Orwell's highly symbolic story of a revolution that takes place on a farm is an allegory of Soviet Russia and particularly Stalin's rule. 奥威尔极具象征意义的故事描述的是发生在一个农场上的革命故事,是一则关于前苏联尤其是斯大林统治时期的寓言。
- February 1917 after the victory of the revolution, the social revolution Menshevik party will be led by them into Soviet Russia's interim government. 1917年二月革命胜利后,孟什维克联合社会革命党将受他们领导的苏维埃变为俄国临时政府。
- Ulan Bator's most conspicuous symbol of the atheist socialism Mongolia inherited from Soviet Russia stands on a hill above the city. 首都乌兰巴托南部的山顶上仍能看到苏联时代遗留下来的社会主义无神论的明显标志。
- Publishing such photo in Soviet Russia for example could cause all the staff of the issuing edition to go to some distant Siberian mine. 出版这样照片在苏俄能例如造成发布的编辑的所有职员去某一遥远的西伯利亚矿。
- One of Lenin's favorite ideas was that if 130,000 landlords could rule Tsarist Russia, 240,000 determined revolutionists could rule a Soviet Russia. 列宁的其中一个著名的观点说,如果130,000个雇主能够统治沙俄,那么240,000个坚定的革命家就能统治苏俄。
- After the first national conference of CPC,Maring began to contact the Chinese Kuomintang,and discussed with SUN Yat-sen the possibility of forming an a union with Soviet Russia. 中共一大以后,马林开始与中国国民党接触,与孙中山会晤并讨论了和苏俄建立联盟的可能性。
- Rand, who had come to America from Soviet Russia with striking insights into totalitarianism and the destructiveness of socialism, was already a celebrity. 兰德,俄裔美国人,当她从苏联来到美国的时候已经很出名了,其政治思想充满了极权主义和社会主义毁灭思想。
- After a few weeks preparing for a possible invasion of Britain, the armed SS units in France began readying themselves for a new Blitzkrieg - against Soviet Russia. 在经过几周可能队部列颠入侵行动的后,在法国的党卫队武装部队准备开始一场对抗苏俄的新的闪电战。
- Brest Peace Treaty between Soviet Russia and German signed in 1918 and new economic policy put into practice in 1920 were two tactical fallbacks, which Lenin carried out under tremendous stress. 1918年与德国签订布列斯特和约和1920年开始推行新经济政策是列宁实施的两次战略性退却。